Chapter 12: New Dazzling Problems

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(Some Time Ago - During The Fall Formal)

We go back in time a bit during the night of the Fall Formal. While you, Twilight, and the girls were trying to get the crown back, another strange event was happening in a different part of Canterlot.

Further down the city, around a street corner, lies an ordinary cafe. On the outside, it looks peaceful and quiet. Inside...not so much.

Either every single group inside had a massive falling out at the exact same time or something weird was going on, as patrons inside were all arguing with each other with some of them even screaming their heads off. As the arguing went on, a mysterious teal-green mist emitted from every person in the cafe. The patrons were too caught up in their arguments to notice the mist.

The sound of melodic singing can be heard through the commotion as the source of the singing is revealed to have come from the corner booth where three mysterious hooded figures were sitting at. As the three continue to sing, the strange green mist makes its way toward the three figures. The red gems around each of their necks absorb the green mist after it swirls around the gem for a moment.

After that, they stopped singing as they removed the hoods from their head and we see the figures' faces more clearly now, showing to be three teenage girls.

Starting with the pair of girls sitting next to each other, the first one has moderate mulberry eyes and moderate purple hair with brilliant aquamarine streaks that were tied up in a double ponytail. The girl next to her has moderate raspberry eyes and light arctic blue hair with moderate persian blue stripes that were tied in a ponytail.

 The girl next to her has moderate raspberry eyes and light arctic blue hair with moderate persian blue stripes that were tied in a ponytail

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???: "That was barely worth the effort Adagio." The girl with the double ponytail spoke. "I'm tired of fast food, I need a meal." She complained to the girl sitting across from her as she removed her hood as well.

The third girl had brilliant raspberry eyes and luminous vivid orange hair with brilliant yellow streaks which were very large and poofy.

Adagio: "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria

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Adagio: "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here." She told the girl that is known as Aria.

???: "Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place." The double ponytail girl complains as she crosses her arms and turns away from them.

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