Chapter 10: Weekend With The Girls...And Knuckles

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Sooo...quite a few things happened a couple of days after the Fall Formal incident. Students and teachers alike wanted to know what exactly went down that night and bombarded you and the girls with questions.

You didn't really need to prove that magic or at least supernatural powers exist because after seeing what the girls did to defeat Demon Sunset, Spike taking, and not to mention your battle with Giganto, it was hard not to believe it anymore at that point.

First off, you tried your best to explain to everyone about the existence of Equestria, a magical world where there were sentient mythological creatures as its main inhabitants, and that everyone probably had a pony counterpart in that world. You also told everyone that Twilight is actually a princess there and that Sunset Shimmer was originally from that world, which surprised the whole student body barring a few exceptions like Miles.

Speaking of Sunset Shimmer, she finally came clean and confessed about every terrible thing she has done to everyone. Even though everyone already knew that it was Sunset's doing, she felt the need to come clean anyways. She also told everyone that she was no longer the bully queen she used to be and that she wanted to try and make amends for the wrongs she's done.

A lot of people were still skeptical about Sunset's sudden change of heart. Some students decided now is a good time to ask why she was so awful anyways. You didn't go into much personal detail for Sunset's sake, but after sharing a quick nod from Sunset, you quickly explained that she herself was a victim of bullying and that she had s**tty parents that used her and all around had a terrible childhood.

Even though some students were still very skeptical for understandable reasons, a couple of students were sympathetic to Sunset for having to endure such a sad life.

More specifically, your bros, Heath, Sandalwood, Norman, and Micro Chips, were the most sympathetic. After seeing you vouch for her, they believe that Sunset truly wanted to change and was willing to give her a chance as well. They even went out of their way to try and convince a couple of their friends to give her a chance. Miles and Amy also did the same, which you were extremely grateful for. Even Flash decided to support you, seeing you vouch for Sunset even if he was her ex.

To prove that she has truly changed, Sunset decided to help out around the school like doing community work and trying to help her fellow students. She knew that she had her work cut out for her since she knew a lot of students still don't trust her completely, but she wasn't gonna give up.

You and the other five girls kept your word and helped teach her about friendship stuff and what it meant to have friends. You also helped her out whenever you could.

As for you, well, you had a bit of your own explaining to do. You quickly explained that the cause of your super speed powers came from the chaos emeralds. You also explained about Eggman and how he abducted Miles because he had one of the emeralds, surprising the Crusaders and prompting them to hold onto him protectively which made your buddy blush.

Lastly, you told them all that it was the first time you transformed into your super form and made it clear that even you didn't know the true nature of the emeralds. Plus, you didn't have them on you ever since they scattered.

Ever since then, your popularity skyrocketed, along with Miles and Amy's since everyone saw them help you out during your battle against Demon Shimmer. Though some selfish students did try to befriend you three so that you could use your powers for their own selfish gain.

But when you three were pretty perceptive and always turned them down harshly, making it clear that you all would make them regret it if they ever tried to use you for your powers. And considering the beatdown you three gave Demon Sunset, it worked rather well.

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