Chapter 4: Hold up a Pony Princess? From Another World?!

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It's been about a week since your first day. Things have going extremely well for you. You were hanging out with your bros and usually have an awesome time, speaking to the girls you've met during your first few days, though you were still a bit bummed that they're still at each other's throats. You haven't really had a chance to talk to them since whenever one would try to hang out with you, the rest would come and you became the middle man besides that one time with Rainbow Dash. Finally, dodging Sunset's attempts of humiliating you. Same old, same old.

Now it was Wednesday, two days before the Fall Formal. What were you doing this morning? Walking to school! Why? Because the buses were broken down today for some reason.

Y/N: 'Man, why did the buses have to break down today? I mean, I could use my new boost skill to get there in a snap but I don't really feel like getting questioned today.' You thought to yourself before seeing a familiar green haired rocker girl. She was listening to her rock music as she usually does. You smirked to yourself as you snuck up behind her and grabbed both her shoulders once again. "Boo!"

Lemon Zest: "GAH!!" She yelled before instantly turning around, ready to deck you until she realizes it was you. "Y/N! Dude quit scaring me like that!" She said with a pout.

Y/N: "Sorry, sorry, that reaction never gets old." You said while laughing to yourself. 'Is this how Skittles feel whenever I scream?' You asked yourself mentally. "Anyways, what's up Lems. Buses being down really sucks, doesn't it?"

Lemon Zest: " I have to walk to school, which is REALLY far and no one can drive me. I might be a little late today." She said with a sigh.

Y/N: "Yeah...same here. Oh well, since we're both gonna be late, wanna walk together on the way to school?" You offered with a smile. She smiled back excitedly.

Lemon Zest: "Do you even need to ask? Heck yes!! Walking to school with you would be much better than walking alone." She said with a bright smile and just like that, the two of you were walking together.

As you two were walking, you two chatted like you normally would. You also talked about how the Fall Formal you told her about is coming up in a few days.

Lemon Zest: "Oh yeah, that early dance. I still wonder why your school has a dance at such an early point in the school year dude."

Y/N: "Yeah no, I wonder the same. Eh, it's just a simple school dance anyways. I wouldn't think too hard on it." You said while shrugging.

Lemon Zest: "By the way...are you gonna ask someone out to that dance?" She asks you curiously.

Y/N: "Ehhhhh probably not t-b-h. I'm not really rushing to ask a girl out at the moment." You said while shrugging.

Lemon Zest: "Gotcha dude. That fair." She said while sighing in relief for whatever reason. Did she not want you to go out with anyone? Eh, you decided not to pry too much.

As you two continued to walk and talk, hey that rhymed, something familiar happened. You heard something audibly gleam once again and dammit, you knew what it is.

Lemon Zest: "Uh dude. Do you hear that?" She asked, a bit confused.

Y/N: 'Oh one else besides Miles is aware of these chaos emeralds.' You recalled as you once again pulled the gem out of your pocket.

Lemon Zest: "Whoa! That's a neat looking gem dude! Where'd you get it?" She asked in wonder staring at the chaos emerald.

Y/N: "Yeah...funny story. When I first arrived in Canterlot, I found this little thing laying on the floor. I don't know what the deal with this thing is, but strange things have been happening to me ever since I've gotten my hands on it." You tried to explain without revealing too much.

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