Chapter 2: Perfectly Normal First Day of School be like

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The first thing you heard the morning after giving yourself a self-tour yesterday was the sound of your screaming alarm clock. When you told your parents of who you met yesterday, they went all giddy telling you how proud of him they are, asked if you asked out anything, and whole bunch of questions that tired you out so much that you went to sleep immediately instead of playing video games or chilling on your phone at night like you usually do.

Y/N: " it already time for school? Jeez, I swear I just went to sleep two seconds ago..." You yawned as you did your little morning stretch before changing into your casual clothing. "Alright, first day. You can do this, Y/N. You can survive." You honestly didn't know how this school year would turn out so you kinda hoped for the best.

After getting dressed, grabbing your phone, wireless earbuds, and backpack. You were pretty sure that was everything you needed...

...though in your mind, you felt like you were forgetting something, but you just didn't know what. You brushed it off for now as you went to the living room where you were met by your parents. You saw your mom making you some pancakes.

Y/N: "Morning mom, dad." You waved to them casually.

M/N: "Good morning sweetie. I made you pancakes. You said you wanted something simple for breakfast right?"

Y/N: "Yeah, don't wanna take too long eating food. Being late to school on my first would be kinda uncool."

D/N: "So...what's your plan for your first day of school, son?" He asked curiously.

Y/N: "Don't really have one. I'm not trying to be the center of attention on my first day. And are plans really necessary for first days of school? I mean, it isn't really that big of a deal. It's just gonna be me getting introduced to the new campus, maybe get lost for a few days, then finally getting used to everything by the end of the week and it'll be part of my daily life for a year." You shared as you poured your syrup on top of your pancakes before you started eating.

D/N: "That may be true, but how about making it more interesting? You've already made a few friends who go to Canterlot High based on what you told us yesterday. How about asking one of those girls out?" He asked while giving you a sly smile. You responded by giving him a deadpan look with half-opened eyes.

Y/N: "Yeahhhhhh no. Not gonna happen. I'm not trying to make myself a laughing stock by asking someone out on the first day."

M/N: "Oh don't tease him, dear. Our son doesn't need to do anything like that on his first day. That can be for later." She said while grinning herself.

D/N: "My bad, my bad. I was mostly joking. Mostly."

You just rolled your eyes at your parents' antics. Honestly, how were you gonna deal with them? It sometimes feels like you're talking to fellow teenagers rather than adults. At least you all have a healthy relationship with each other and are a happy family, but it felt like you were the more mature one at times. You thought all that as you finished your breakfast.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm done. I'll be heading off now. Wish me luck, mom."

M/N: "Okay, sweetie. Have a good first day. Be safe out there." You waved to your mom before looking over to your dad.

Y/N: "And dad. Don't expect anything crazy out of this first day." Your dad simply just laughs at your statement.

D/N: "All right, all right. I won't expect any grand-"

Y/N: "You finish that sentence and I'll deck you even if you're my dad." Your face was starting to heat up when he started to say 'grandchildren' which is something you didn't need to think about right now.

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