Short #1: Multiple Choice Exam

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Today was an exam day for math class. All the tables have been rearranged into multiple rows instead of being grouped up as usual.

You were NOT ready for this test at all since you didn't study like an idiot. You were sitting on one of the back with a test paper, a piece of scratch paper, and a scantron.

Ms. Cherilee: "Alright class you have fourty-five minutes to complete this test. I wish you all good luck."

Y/N: 'Let's do this. I can wing it.' You pumped yourself up mentally as you turned the page of the test.

And for the very first question, you were immediatly met with a word problem that looked to be geometry. It was asking you to find the volume of a circular cylinder in cubic feet.

Y/N: 'I'm so f**ked.'

You concluded mentally just by looking at this problem.

Y/N: 'Bro, if this is just the first problem, what does the rest of the test look like?' You asked as you turned your head over to Micro Chips, who was sitting at the desk next to yours.

You saw Micro Chips taking off his glasses while letting out a loud exhale, which already terrifies you because he is one of the smartest friends you know next to Miles.

Y/N: 'Damn...this test even got Micro breathing heavily. Alright, it's fine, it's fine, we're gonna do some educated guesses.' You shook your head as you looked back at your test and looked at your choices.

A. 784.2
B. 1038.8
C. 1047.2

Y/N: 'Alright, D is the only one that's a whole number so it definitely can't be D. And A is the only answer that isn't in the thousands so it can't be A either. And B is the only one that doesn't end in a two. Leaving C as the final answer!'

You concluded as you circled C and filled out the bubble in your scantron.

Y/N: 'AHAHAHAHA! Damn, I am a genius bro! An actual genius!' You thought victoriously as you smiled confidently.

But your thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of paper turning, courtesy of Miles who was sitting on your left. It seemed he was already on the second page of the test.

Y/N: 'Damn, Miles. You're already on the second page?!' You asked yourself with a surprised look on your face.

You then turned over to Micro Chips who looked just as surprised as you were.

Y/N: 'Even he's looking astonished. Hey bro, y'know that there are bigger fish out there. Okay, question number two.'

You then returned your focus back to the test and saw the second problem being much simpler problem than the first one. It was just finding the variable which is simple enough.

Y/N: 'Okay this looks waaaay simpler than the first problem. I think I can do this.'

You then did your work on your scratch paper. It took a minute, but you finally got your answer.

Y/N: 'X equals five over twelve baby. Literally so ea-' You looked back at the test to see that the answer you got wasn't one of the choices.

A. 6.4
B. 1
C. 5
D. 40

Y/N: 'Huh. That's weird. All of the answers are wrong. Let's tell Ms. Cherilee that there's a mistake on the test.' You then raised your hand which caught the instructer's attention.

Ms. Cherilee: "Yes, Y/N?"

Y/N: 'Are you f**king stupid? Why would there be a mistake on the test? You're about to make a complete fool out of yourself, in front of the whole class. You're going to make yourself look even more like a clown than you already are.' You scolded yourself mentally as you put your hand down.

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