Chapter 6: Friendship Comeback!

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Today was the day before the Fall Formal and from what you heard, the ballot starts around this time. You knew that she already had a couple of votes thanks to you convincing your friends to do so yesterday, but you knew that it still isn't enough yet. But you haven't lost hope. You believed that you two can do this.

The next morning after showing Twilight around, you were still sleeping peacefully in your bed. You were having a blissful dream, at least to you.

Y/N: "Yes...I'm so good at this video game..." You dreamt with a blissful smile, dreaming of yourself winning a major tournament playing one of your favorite multiplayer games. Though your dream was suddenly interrupted before you could enjoy it any further.

Twilight Sparkle: "Hey Y/N! Wake up and stop dreaming about video games already. We have more important things to worry about." You heard a familiar voice call out to you as you felt yourself being shaken awake by a certain lavender hair girl.

Y/N: "Twi...why'd you go and do that for?" You asked lazily as you groaned lightly as you faced her while giving her half-opened lazy eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: "Sorry for ruining whatever dream you're having, but your mother was just calling you so I thought I should wake your lazy butt up. Come on now Y/N, get up."

Y/N: "Fine, fine. Getting up now." You said as you slowly sat up and did your morning stretch while letting out a loud yawn. "I wasn't saying stuff all night was I?" You asked curiously.

Twilight Sparkle: "No, you didn't. You only started speaking in your sleep just now, which I thought is pretty funny." She said with a light giggle.

Y/N: "That's a relief. Anyways, how long were you up for? You don't look dead inside like I do."

Twilight Sparkle: "For a while now. I woke up pretty early. Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I took the liberty of cleaning up this mess of a room to make it look nicer."

Y/N: "Oh neat..." You said lazily, staying silent for a bit. Your eyes then widen as what she said finally caught up to you. "Wait, you WHAT?!" You asked loudly as you looked around your room to see that it the room was mostly organized now.

Twilight Sparkle: "I do hope you like my handiwork. A lot of items you have here don't exist back in Equestria so I just put them wherever I thought was appropriate. So? What do you think?" She asks innocently as she looks at you, eyes full of expectations.

You were just dying inside right now seeing your new cleaned-up room. You just found it much easier to find stuff when your room was messier, mostly because you've been used to your room being like that for so long that you adapted.

Y/N: 'Goddammit now I have to search for everything again...who knows where Twi put them.' You mentally groaned to yourself as you usually left your controllers on the ground. You didn't want to hurt Twi though since she did put all this effort and admittedly...the room did look very nice to you. You turn to her and gave her a smile. "I think it looks really nice Twi."

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh, thank you so much! I'm so happy you think so! It took quite a while to get this done. I'm glad my work paid off. I wanted to do something for you after all the help you've given me."

Y/N: "Don't mention it Twi." You said with a light smile. Despite the future pain of finding all your stuff again, seeing Twi happy almost makes it a nonissue for you. "Anyways, how about we go down and get some breakfast before we head to school today?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Okay! I'm curious as to what you eat for breakfast." She smiled as the two of you exited your room and you led her to the kitchen next to the living room.

There, you saw your father on the couch reading something on your phone while your mother watched the TV. They both notice you and waved to the two of you.

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