Chapter 5: Fitting in and Flowing Into the Light

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After a long arduous class of Chemistry was done, the bell finally rang for lunchtime. You quickly got up and did a little stretch.

Y/N: "Finally bruh! We finally get outta here!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Oh quit whining, Y/N, class wasn't even hard. You're just overexaggerating." She said while rolling her eyes. She had to make sure you were up the entire class and paying attention.

Y/N: "Twi, here's the difference. You have more than two brain cells. I ONLY have two." You said which made her giggle.

Twilight Sparkle: "Well, just gain more. You can do it, you just have to be more willing to learn and not be lazy as you are now." She smirked at you.

Y/N: "Oh, says the one who couldn't write with a pencil. You grabbed that s**t with your mouth." You said with a smug smirk back as she blushes in embarrassment, recalling how students stared at her and you had to save her from the embarrassment.

Twilight Sparkle: "Hey that had nothing to do what we were talking about! And you can't blame me! I've always used my magic to write with a pen." She tried to defend herself.

Y/N: "That sounds like a skill issue." You said with a playful smirk. "I had to teach you how to use that thing and lemme tell you, your handwriting's kinda ass."

Twilight Sparkle: "Hey, at least I learned it pretty fast! Besides, you taught me how to use a pencil while I taught you how to pay attention and do work. How about we call it even here?"

Y/N: "Alright fine, we can call it even there." You said as the two of you shared a chuckle. Even though you two banter a lot, you two were already great friends.

Just then, a loud gurgling noise was heard as you looked around to find the source of that sound.

Y/N: "Uh...what was that?" You asked as you turned to Twilight, who blushed a little while laughing nervously as she held her stomach.

Twilight Sparkle: "Eheheh...I may be a little hungry..."

Y/N: "Wow, you must be REALLY hungry if your stomach sounds like a growling lion. Well, luckily for you, the lunch period is here so you can get food. Come on, follow me. We'll get ya some food. I'm feeling hungry myself." You motioned her to follow you, which she understood as she walked behind you.

Soon after, you made it to the cafeteria with her and as usual, it had the same amount of people with the same groups you usually see stick together.

Twilight Sparkle: "Wow this is quite a large room for a lunch room."

Y/N: "Well, if it was too small, people would be eating out in the hallways which is a big no-no. They'd feel neglected. So better to have the cafeteria too big instead of too small. Ya get me?"

Twilight Sparkle: "I suppose you do have a point. A pony- I mean, person feeling neglected can lead to awful things. Believe me, I've seen the effects of what it can do to one..."

Y/N: "Yeah...I getcha..." You sighed to yourself before looking back up. "But enough of that. Look, there's Flutters." You said with a smile as you pointed to Fluttershy, who was in the back of the line grabbing a lunch tray.

Twilight Sparkle: "Let's go talk to her. Maybe she can help us in winning princess of the fall formal." She said with a hopeful smile.

You two made your way over to the line behind her, both of you grabbing a lunch tray before Twilight spike up to grab Fluttershy's attention.

Twilight Sparkle: "I know we just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something." She said as she grabbed a veggie burger from the counter and put it on her tray.

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