Chapter 7: Rallying Everyone and Coming Together!

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With the girls back together thanks to you and Twilight helping mend their friendship, the group feels extremely tight right now as it was time to come up with a plan to help Twilight win the Fall Formal and get the crown. Right after school was over, you all decided to walk over to the Sweet Shoppe to hang out and converse. Right now, the girls were all sitting on a green couch drinking their beverages while you and Twilight were at the counter waiting for your drinks.

Twilight Sparkle: "Thanks again for buying me a drink, Y/N." She smiled at you.

Y/N: "It's no problem, Twi. You're not from around here after all so you're probably broke as hell here." You spoke quietly while letting about a light chuckle. Twilight rolls her eyes once again.

Twilight: "Ha ha very funny. Not my fault that they use an entirely different currency here." She said quietly to you as you both watched Mrs. Cake putting whipped cream and strawberry chunks onto her drink. Twilight raises a finger to get the shop owner's attention. "And...can I get mine with extra oats?"

Mrs. Cake: "Oats?" She asked in a confused tone as she turns around to look at Twilight with a raised eyebrow. You quickly nudged her to remind her about being incognito.

Twilight Sparkle: "Uh, scratch that. However you normally make it is fine." She said as Mrs. Cake turned to you, still raising an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Oh uh...she's new to town. Pretty sure the place she normally goes sells these drinks with oats. She's a healthy gal." You quickly said.

Mrs. Cake: "Ah, I understand. Give me a moment, I think we have some oats here somewhere." She said before grabbing a scoop full of oats and putting it on the drink before handing it to Twilight. "There you go, dear."

Twilight Sparkle: "Thank you, Mrs. Cake." She gave her a smile and the lady smiled reciprocated before she looks at you.

Mrs. Cake: "And what about you, Y/N? Will it be the usual?"

Y/N: "You know it, Mrs. Cake." You nodded with a smile.

Mrs. Cake: "Coming right up. By the way, you won't be ordering the same drink three times on the same day again like you did that one time, will you? Mr. Cake and I really appreciate you enjoying our treats, but your health is also very important to us too, young man." She said with a chuckle as she got to work on your drink while you blushed in embarrassment.

Y/N: "Eheheh...hey, your stuff really be bussin' though. You can't blame me for that. But I'll only be ordering one today, promise." You assured her.

Twilight Sparkle: "Poor planning skills AND eating unhealthy? Now I really think I should teach you a thing or two about self-care." She said with a playful smirk.

Mrs. Cake: "Oh dear, you should've seen how fast he sometimes drinks his beverage. Finishes it in a matter of seconds and had to go to the bathroom immediately after." She reminded you with a chuckle, Twilight giggling immediately after while you blushed in embarrassment.

Twilight Sparkle: "Typical Y/N antics, I'm sure." She said while nudging you playfully.

Y/N: "A-Alright, lay off you two." You stuttered as the two females chuckled one last time as Mrs. Cake worked on your drink while Twilight is enjoyed hers. Then, the two of you heard the store door opening before hearing two familiar voices.

Amy Rose: "So this is the Sweet Shoppe you told me about? I like the vibe of this place." She chirped with a happy smile.

Flash Sentry: "Yeah, this is the go-to place for me whenever I just wanna get a drink and chill out. Hope you like it here Amy." He said with a small smile as both you and Twilight turned around and the two pairs notice each other.

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