Chapter 1: New City, New Friends

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This is Canterlot City

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This is Canterlot City. A very peaceful and relatively normal city home to many unique and happy folks. Definitely a lot less...urban-looking than Manehattan. The place is full of unique landmarks that makes the city a really pretty sight to see, especially when you take to account the time of day. Sunsets here are usually pretty nice, or so you've heard.

 Sunsets here are usually pretty nice, or so you've heard

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And this is Canterlot High School. Alongside moving into the new city, you've also been transferred to this school from Manehattan High School. Honestly, you were a bit sad that you had to say goodbye to your old friends, but all of them understood and you all had one last hangout before leaving. Now you were about to start a new life here in Canterlot.

A happily married couple and their teenage son with the hoodie just moved into the city one day ago and they lived in a normal-sized house in a pretty quiet neighborhood and the moving went extremely nicely. Luckily you didn't leave anything back in Manehattan thank god.

???: "Hey, Y/N sweetie, are you awake dear?" A soft-spoken voice of your mother called out to you as she opened the windows, which brightened up to room with sunlight. In response, you slowly opened your eyes. Moving yesterday took a bit of a toll on you yesterday so you slept in until noon. Plus it was Sunday so you wanted to sleep in.

Y/N: "Moooooom it's Sunday. School doesn't start until tomorrow. Why you gotta wake me up?" You asked lazily as you covered yourself in your blanket sheets, trying to still sleep in.

M/N (Mother's Name): "Come on dear, it's already 12 PM and you're still in bed. You should get up and have lunch with your father and I." Your mother said as she removed the blanket from your body, which then you realize that your parents wasn't gonna let you sleep in.

Y/N: "Alriiiiight, I'll get up." You said as he got up and did the morning stretch, well in this case a noon stretch, shaking your body after doing the stretch. You swear, the stretch after waking up just hits different.

D/N (Dad's Name): "Y/N, did you just get up? You really have to stop sleeping in so much. Especially if you don't to be late for your first day in your new school." Your dad lightly scolds you to which you just you lightly waved him off like it's no big deal. Your dad just sighs and shakes his head, not looking too bothered by your sass. "Your mother and I will be in the dining room for lunch. Come join us when you're ready, son." He said with a light smile as he walked out of your room with your mother following him from behind, but not before she turns back to you one more time.

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