Chapter 11: Forming a Band Bay-Bee!

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A lot of time has passed ever since your hangout with the girls. Things at school has actually been going decently surprisingly. Sunset has actually been getting less and less glares from other students to the point where none of them seem to be hostile to her anymore thanks to her community work and your influence. Although she would still get the undecided glances from the other students as some of them were still unsure whether or not Sunset has truly changed, but it was a whole lot better than having people give her hostile glares which you and Sunset were extremely grateful for.

As for the other girls, things have been going great for them as well. You helped out Fluttershy with getting more volunteers for the animal shelter, which worked out really well as the animal shelter got more helpers than expected. Applejack had another bake sale with Rainbow Dash once again bringing the softball team, which thankfully went really smooth this time around. You even bought of a few treats for yourself and your fam at the bake sale. You also helped promote Rarity's boutique which garnered more customers for her. Finally, Pinkie Pie got the job she always wanted at the Sweet Snacks Cafe now, which you were extremely happy for her.

Oh yeah, speaking of jobs, you managed to get a job at the movie theaters, which has been going pretty sweet for you! Sure it was a bit of a pain at times, but free movies plus seventy-percent off on drinks and snacks? Say less!

Anyways, now we see you and the Mane Five were having lunch in the cafeteria. Sunset couldn't join you sadly because she was doing community work around the school. As you all were peacefully eating, Rainbow Dash spoke a topic that piqued all of your interests.

Y/N: "You wanna form a band, Skittles?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, I do! The musical showcase is coming up soon, so I thought we should totally form one! We'd be awesome!"

Y/N: " girls would make a pretty sweet team. If you girls were to go with this band idea, I gotta ask. What instruments can y'all play?" You asked curiously.

Rainbow Dash: "Well, I can play the electric guitar."

Applejack: "Ah can play the bass."

Rarity: "I think I'm quite elegant with the piano."

Pinkie Pie: "Never had much music experience so I don't really know!"

Fluttershy: "I-I've played the tambourine before..."

Rainbow Dash: "Shoot...we need a drummer if we're gonna form this band. Maybe we could ask around for a drummer. But Pinkie, if you find an instrument that suits you, let us know. We'd still like you to be in our band."

Pinkie Pie: "Okie dokie!" She said cheerfully.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, so all in favor of forming this band, raise your hand and say 'aye'!" She said as she started to raise her hand as everyone else at the table raised their hand except you.

(Hu) Mane 5: "Aye!" They all chanted as they raised their hands. But then they looked at you, noticing that you didn't say aye.

Applejack: "Hey sugarcube, aren't ya gonna join us as well?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah! We know you can sing really well! Can you play an instrument?"

Y/N: "Well...I dunno if I still have one on me. The best instrument I can play is the electric guitar, but Skittles already has that base covered."

Rainbow Dash: "Well...if you want, maybe you can be our backup guitarist. Or you can be a vocalist." She suggests as she did want you to be part of their band. The other girls also shared the same sentiment.

Y/N: "I'll think about it. It isn't a yes or no, just a maybe. I think once you girls find a drummer, I think you girls are all set to be an awesome band." You said with a smile.

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