Chapter 3: Return of an Old Friend and a New Enemy

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It's been a couple days since your first day in Canterlot High and it's actually been going really well lately. Like at your old school, you made quite a name for yourself for your willingness to help people with their problems, comfort people whenever they're feeling down, make people laugh, and again brought games to school like last time. You brought your Nintendo Switch yesterday with Mario Kart and played with Flash during lunch. It for the most part.


You and Flash were playing a round of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Rainbow Road, last lap with you in the lead by just a little. A ton of people gathered around your table watched the race.

Y/N: "You're about to eat my ass, dickweed!" You said with a smirk.

You guys have become such good friends that you guys are comfortable with playfully insulting each other. You two are practically best friends at this point. Even his bandmates haven't seen Flash this happy before.

Flash Sentry: "Hey, I sent you a nice little gift, assfart." He said with a smirk of his own.

You raised an eyebrow. You didn't get what he meant...until you saw the blue shell's flashing warning from behind you and your eyes widen.

Y/N: "NOOOOO! YOU'RE CRINGE!!" You screeched out, making Flash and the entire cafeteria dying of laughter. "I'm literally right at the finish line! COME ON!!" You pressed down on your accelerate button harder even if it didn't really do anything for you.

You were literally in front of the finish line...but that's when the blue shell hit you and you were stunned. Right in front of the finish line.

Y/N: "GET UP! GET UP! GET OUT OF STUN LA LA LAND!!" You screamed at your character who was still stunned from the blue shell as you mashed the living hell out of your buttons. But that's when Flash's characters zipped right past you and won the race.

People were laughing even harder when they saw Flash won the race as you were literally RIGHT THERE! You were just silent as your jaw dropped, making the scenery even more hilarious.

Y/N: "No. F**king. WAY!!! Why do you get to have a blue shell in a f**king one v one?!" You screamed out as Flash bursts out laughing. "You can't make this s**t up! I was literally RIGHT THERE!! I hate this video game!!" Everyone was not only laughing from the fact that you're raging, but that you're also bringing out the big swear words since you usually only use the smaller ones like 'ass' and 'damn'.

Flash Sentry: "What can I say bro? Skill issue. Just dodge the blue shell." He said playfully with a smirk as he quickly slapped your shoulder as he slowly walks away, knowing what was coming up.

Y/N: "JuSt DodGe thE bLUe SheLl." You mockingly repeated what he said in an immature baby voice. "He says. Bruh, you know that was f**king bulls**t! Y'know what. I'm about to shove a f**king blue shell up your ass right now!" You said as you got up and started to run after Flash, which he expected as he started running away from you, bursting out laughs as he's getting pursued.

Flash Sentry: "Just take the L bozo!" He said while laughing as he ran away from you.

Y/N: "Dawg, I'm going to kick your f**king ass when I catch up to you! You lame ass, no skill, blue shell chucker!" You said in playful anger as the whole cafeteria laughed watching you and Flash sprinting out of the cafeteria, with you giving the chase.

It's safe to say your friendship won't be breaking anytime soon. And it's also safe to say, that games still hate you.

*Flashback End*

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