An Important Announcement...

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Today's date is 12. December, 2022.

I apologize for all the rude things I've said and done in the past. The accounts I've muted for no real reason, yelling at readers... all the other things I've done. I was a frustrated child that was pretty self-centered and pretty much thought I could do no wrong. I especially disliked the readers of this book because I had quite the bias against Kokichi fans. Honestly, I pretty much abused anyone who dared read this book just for liking Kokichi.

Now I'm an adult, and I've grown up to realize that the things I did were not just stupid, but outright wrong and hurtful. And now that I can look back with clarity about the things I've done, I apologize greatly.

I wish I was sending this announcement with no strings attached, but I unfortunately have to ask for financial help. My dad passed away a month ago, and things have been extremely financially rough ever since. The situation isn't dire yet, but as of right now my finances are in the red.

I'm not asking for blatant charity- I'd like to earn the money so I could give back to your generosity in some way. So... I'm asking if anyone would be willing and able to commission my art.

If you feel okay with and are able to commission my art, please go to this link:
Alternatively, you can reach out to me on Discord {The Felixverse#5054}.

If the link isn't working, as Wattpad isn't very good with link embeds, you can also click on my profile and look in my recent profile announcements.

If you use my Artistree, you should be able to use several payment methods and you'll have to pay upfront. If you're reaching out on Discord, I only accept Venmo and half will be due upfront and the other half when the drawing is complete.

Thank you so much for reading this post, it means a lot to me.

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