Mastermind! Kokichi x Shy! Fem! Reader (REQUEST)

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So this was a requested Mastermind! Kokichi x Shy! Female! Reader.

Ohhh boy I can have fun with this scenario huehuehue

(Your POV)

Your major crush, Kokichi, walked to you with his signature casual grin. You were too shy to say anything, so instead you looked away with a slight blush on your face.

"(Y/N), why aren't you greeting me?!" Kokichi pouted, poking your shoulder.

You blushed even worse and shrunk just a little bit. "U-um... s-sorry..." Your eyes couldn't even meet his, and by now you wished you could disappear.

"Huuuh? Is something wrong?" Kokichi smirked.

"N-nothing!" You nervously smiled, finally meeting his eyes. You could've sworn you saw the most insanity-laced gaze for a split second before they flicked to their mysterious selves.

The dull eyes you had seen for just a second frightened you, and you looked away again. "U-uh... I gotta go!"

"She saw my eyes... what fucking about them?!" Kokichi muttered to himself.


"(Y/N)~! Whatever was wrong with my eyes, the problem is gone! I got color contacts!" Kokichi showed you his now red eyes instead of purple.

You actually fell backwards and Kokichi laughed, taking out the contacts and looking at you with his purple eyes again, "Juuuust kidding!"

"I hate you..." You mumbled.

"What was that?" Kokichi tilted his head to the side.

"N-nothing!" You nerously giggled once again.


"Heeey, you know shy-chan, I have a huuuuge crush on you!" Kokichi blurted out of the blue.

Your face flushed red. "Wh-wh-what?!"

Kokichi only laughed, inching closer and closer to your face. His lips collided with yours, and even through your mental freakout you managed to kiss back.

"Nishishi~ You're so shy, (Y/N)!" Kokichi hugged you close and you buried your face in his scarf, groaning and squirming a bit to communicate your embarrassment.


"Our personalities... they're fake too...?" Shuichi gasped.

"Yeeeep! I got to program each and every one of you, including my beloved (Y/N)! She was so social before, but I thought she would be cuter when she was shy and I was right!" Kokichi laughed.

"You mean... our personalities aren't... real...?" You felt a tear stream down your face. Then your love to Kokichi wouldn't be real. Your shyness wouldn't be real. None of it would be.

"Nooope~!" Kokichi sang.

"Did you program me like this... just to toy with me?! Just to be your plaything?!" You suddenly shouted, scaring everyone in the room including Kokichi.

"H-huh?!" Kokichi gasped.

"I fucking loved you, Kokichi. But if those feelings are all fake, then what's the point of expressing it! What else is a lie, huh?! Huh?!" You yelled, staring Kokichi directly in the eye the entire time.

"Y'know... I programmed your anger too~!" Kokichi grinned, quickly changing to his confident self, "And if it's fake, then what's the point of expressing it?"

You froze, and despair began to eat away at you. Your anger and your own emotions were fake. Your thoughts were fabrications too, all some elaborate ruse. None of it was the real you, and here you thought it was.

"That despair! Yes, perfect!" Kokichi cheered.


You stared at his grave. Nobody loved him, and you didn't even know if you did. Despite him making you his exact ideal... he was yours too and for being himself he treated you rather well. But... these feelings were all a part of your personality change and you knew it. There was no way to undo it even five years after the killing game.

"I don't even know why I bother, but happy birthday Kokichi. Everybody still hates you and I don't know what I feel, but I got you a new flower," You smiled a bit and placed the flower on his grave, removing the old one.

A ghostly Kokichi was watching with his arms crossed. "Hmph. I shoulda programmed her to always forgive me no matter what."

Word count: 663

Idek wtf I just wrote like okay then.

My writing is going down the toilet sorry guys ;-;
Then again it's 2:45 AM and I still gotta shower and get ready for tomorrow...

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