SHSL Cartoon! Male! Reader (REQUEST)

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OwO what's this?
Kokichi's gay?


Okay anyways!

Ultimate Cartoon! Male! Reader.
That was the exact request, I'm assuming they mean the reader is a cartoonist.
BATIM vibes anyone-

(Your POV)

You looked down at your sketches. They were of your most recent characters and you were really excited to animate them. One of them was based off of your crush, Kokichi Oma. Since you were a boy, however, you didn't tell him because you were certain Kokichi was straight. Looking at the time, you gasped.

You had promised to meet with Kokichi at noon because he wanted to tell you something, and it was only half an hour until then! Had you really been drawing all morning?!

"Gotta comb my hair, gotta put on a new uniform..." You ran around, getting ready in about ten minutes.

Now you had roughly twenty minutes until you met up with Kokichi. Pacing nervously, that time came faster than you expected and there was a knock at the door. You answered it, and Kokichi was there.

"Heyo, (Y/N)! Wassup? Can I come iiiin?" Kokichi tilted his head to the side and smiled brightly.

You wanted to kiss him right there, but you held yourself together as you just opened the door wider to let him in. You closed the door behind him, and he took a seat on your bed.

"Wooow, you got a lot of art going on," Kokichi commented, looking at all the paper around your desk, plus the art tablet that had an unfinished sketch.

"Ehehe, yeah, sorry about the mess..." You trailed off.

"Anyways! Come sit next to me!" Kokichi patted the spot next to him and you sat down.

"So you said you wanted to tell me so something?" You prompted.

"Yep! Sooo, I have a crush on someone! And I need some advice on asking them ooout!" Kokichi explained.

"O-oh, well, who is it?" You felt jealousy squirm its way into your heart, but you ignored it.

"Nishishi~ I'm not telling you! But they're really kind and smart. And kind of a dork," Kokichi rolled his eyes at the last part.

"Well... just tell them how you feel, I guess. Then ask them out and see how it goes," You shrugged.

"O-kay! (Y/N), I like youuu! Will you go out with meeee?" Kokichi asked.

"H-huh?!" Your face flushed red and your heart rate increased, "I-I thought-"

"-That I'm straight? Nooope! Gayer than a rainbow! But you didn't answer my questiiiioooon," Kokichi pouted, getting in your face.

"Okay, I'll go out with you!" You panicked a bit, feeling your face flush red.

Kokichi smirked and planted a kiss on your lips.


"I made rainbow cupcakes!" Kokichi presented the rainbow cupcakes.

"First rainbow scarves, then rainbow sheets, and now rainbow food?" You laughed a bit.

"It's gay pride! Take pride in who you are!" Kokichi pouted.


Whipped cream fell onto the floor.

"Oh look! Sticky, white gay pride! Too bad it didn't come from us having some gay fun in the bedroom," Kokichi wrapped his arms around your waist, "Sooo, how about we make some, hmmm?"

That night you got a full taste of sticky, white gay pride-

Word count: 539

Kokichi Oma x Reader ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now