Seductive! Kokichi x Mute! Reader (REQUEST)

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Good job requestor, you can flip roles! XD

Still, the idea itself is good so I accept that.
This time the reader will be unable to speak because they weren't born with vocal cords.

(Your POV)

You opened the door to the classroom and sat down. Your friend, Kokichi, was following you. You didn't entirely ask to be his friend, but you didn't complain.

"Hey (Y/N)," Kokichi whispered in your ear, causing you to shudder, "If I did something to you then nobody would hear~"

You could feel your cheeks burning in embarrassment. Fumbling with your notepad, you flipped to an empty page and quickly scribbled a reply.

Kokichi, what the hell?!

Kokichi only chuckled, throwing your notepad and pen onto the floor and sitting on the desk in front of you. He grabbed your shoulders, making escape impossible.

"Shhhh, you don't need to write, you won't have time~" Kokichi kept his seductive tone, and left the desk only to get closer to you. Your faces were inches apart, and before you could react physically his lips were on yours.

You jumped in shock and silently gasped, giving the male an opportunity to snake his tongue into your mouth. It felt... heavenly. You could feel your body reacting favorably, and you even ended up kissing back, causing Kokichi to make it rougher.

Your arms wrapped around his neck instinctually, and his hands ran up and down your midsection. Running out of air, the kiss was parted and you were both left panting for air.

"Nishishi~ I knew you loved me too~" Kokichi cooed, wrapping his arms around you in an emrace, and resting his head on your shoulder. You hugged him back, and he was now sitting in your lap.

"But... y'know..." Kokichi's breath hit your neck, "Imagine if we were like this alone at my place~"

You felt your face get really hot at that comment, and you knew you were blushing.

"We'll make that happen... eventually~"

Word count: 332

Sorry this was so short, I ran out of ideas and motivation.

And sorry for accidentally publishing it a little early, I got pissed off at my keyboard and random buttons were pushed so I panicked and clicked all over my screen and next thing I knew it published so I had to unpublish it to finish.

Noodle_Vore writing this made me 505-

Kokichi Oma x Reader ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now