Short! Ballerina! Reader (Final REQUEST)

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For a final request we got a Short! Ballerina! Reader.

Okay let's fuckin' do this shit.

(Your POV)

You walked offstage, just finishing your performance. You were a ballerina and you honestly enjoyed doing all that dancing, though it did a number to your feet. That was something... not so pretty about it. However, you always had cute socks and shoes so nobody ever saw that.

"Heeey! You actually didn't suck!" your friend and crush, Kokichi, congratulated.

"That's mean!" You whined, getting a stepping stool to reach your cruely assigned locker.

That was another thing, you were short. In this studio, every performer had a locker to put their things in and yours was assigned on the top row, and you had to stand on a stool just to reach it. However, nobody allowed you to move it. Apparently it had been the only available one and still was, since the studio was crammed with all sorts of performers.

"Did you need this?" Kokichi, being taller than you, easily picked up your normal shoes and held them out of your reach.

"Give meeeee!" You whined, trying to jump up and get them but he only held them up higher.

"Nope!" Kokichi laughed.

"Fine, we can do this the hard way!" You declared, and you rammed yourself into Kokichi as hard as you could.

Kokichi didn't drop the shoes like you intended, but instead fell backwards onto the floor and you fell on top of him, accidentally kissing him! You quickly released the accidental kiss and started scrambling around to get off of him, a deep blush on your face until you were suddenly flipped over.

"Huh?! Kokichi, enough with your pranks!" You blushed furiously and looked away from the male who was only inches from your face, coming closer and closer until his lips collided with yours.

You gasped but kissed back after a few seconds, and you shared a passionate make out session before Kokichi released the kiss for air.

"Nah, this isn't a prank," Kokichi smirked.

"THIS IS GOING ON SNAPCHAT!!!" Maki shouted from the door, holding her phone along with Kaede.

"Oh shit no!!!" You and Kokichi both scrambled up and chased the two girls, Maki easily outrunning both of you and dragging Kaede along.

"We lost them!" You stomped your foot on the ground in anger.

"Up here!" Kaede shouted, both her and Maki hanging from the decorations on the ceiling and on their phones.

"How did you even get up there?!" You demanded.

Her and Maki just laughed, and your phone buzzed.

They had both just posted it on Snapchat... and shared it to everyone in the class...

Word count: 446

Ahaha I don't even know how Snapchat works pffft. This oneshot was gonna be short so I needed an excuse to add something. It's still short though sorry ;-;

Next up is the author Q&A answers... then there will be no more chapters...

Kokichi Oma x Reader ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now