Roleplay! Reader (Short)

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(Your POV)

You've had a crush on Kokichi for the longest time, so you decided you wanted to confess. However, since you were shy, you decided to ask Kaede for help in a weird way.

"Hey Kaede, I wanna confess to Kokichi, but since I'm shy and all... I was wondering if maybe... you could help me by pretending to be Kokichi?" You requested.

"Oh, um, okay!" Kaede smiled awkwardly before clearing her throat, "Nishishi! Sooo, what did you wanna talk to me about?" Kaede spoke as childishly and nasally like Kokichi as possible, and surprisingly it wasn't awful, but it wasn't close to his voice.

"Kokichi, I've had a crush on you for a while now..." You admitted to the roleplay Kokichi.

Kaede, playing Kokichi, smirked, "Oh? Is that so?"

"Heeeey, you toootally have my voice off!" Kokichi complained.

Both of you whirled around. Kokichi was watching, and he was smirking. "Go on, I wanna see the rest of your little play!"

You facepalmed and blushed darkly, Kaede was also embarrassed. "H-how much did you hear?!"

"Everything. I didn't know you were THAT shy!" Kokichi crept closer to you, until he was invading your personal privacy. You stepped back but hit a wall, and Kokichi only smiled innocently.

"H-hey, stop it!" You blushed even more when the male stepped closer once again. You noticed Kaede walk away after that, but it was only momentary that your attention was off of him.

"You don't want me to, do you~? You want me to kiss you~!" Kokichi smirked and planted a kiss on your lips.

You gasped but kissed back, and the both of you embraced each other.

(Kaede's POV)

"Shuichi? Yeah, they got together. You owe me 20 dollars."

Word count: 303
I basically stole this idea from an Omasai oneshot book ;-;

Btw if it's less than 350 words I'll give it the label of 'short'

Kokichi Oma x Reader ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now