Yandere! Reader

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(Your POV)

Kokichi Oma. Ultimate Supreme Leader. That name teased you every day. You loved the little purple-haired boy so much, and just the thought of him was enough to make your heart race. From watching him pick locks during the Insect Meet and Greet you managed to learn how he did it, and practiced yourself until you actually picked his dorm lock, which was probably custom-made to resist lockpicking because it was more difficult than other locks you practiced on. But, you eventually got it open.

Stepping into his purple-themed room, you chose to steal one of his checkered scarves and put it around yourself just like Kokichi himself. Then, you heard somebody unlocking the door. Kokichi. You hid in his closet.

"Huh? My door was lockpicked!" Kokichi looked around his room frantically, "Aha! Who's in my closet?"

Kokichi approached the door, but as he was about to open it you did. That startled him, causing you to burst out laughing.

"Hey! You're wearing my scarf! Give it back!" Kokichi whined.

"But it's cute, and you have others!" You whined back.

"No I don't!" Kokichi obviously lied, because he was wearing one!

"Liar! You're wearing one right now!" You took the fabric in your fingers and tugged it slightly.

Kokichi looked totally blank for a second until a grin spread on his face, "Ya got me!" Then he looked curious, but still smiled, "You know, it's not everyday I find somebody with the determination and patience to my pick my lock. What are you doing here, other than stealing my clothes?"

"Visiting the room of my beloved for the hell of it! Duh!" You smiled wide.

"Uh, 'beloved?' Why would I be your 'beloved?'" Kokichi asked in a flat tone.

"Obviously 'cause I'm in love!" You crossed your arms.

"Wow, I didn't know (Y/N) loved me so much she learned my method of picking locks to use it against me for her obsession!" Kokichi got stars in his eyes, grinning wide.

"And now, I'm gonna use my obsession to make you a l l  m i n e."

You hit Kokichi on the head with a bat, knocking him out. You picked him up bridal style and carried him to your room, tying him up to a chair. Finally, you had the boy all to yourself! Kokichi stirred awake a couple hours later and found you sitting in his lap, and he tried struggling out only to find he was tied up.

"You know, you really are obsessed over me. I'm honored! Somebody loves me enough to do anything for me! But these ropes are soooo uncomfortable, you could've picked better ones," Kokichi grumbled.

"Oops, sorry!" You giggled, "It's not too uncomfortable, is it?"

"I think I'm starting to bruise!" Kokichi whined.

You checked his wrists in a panic, and found that they were okay but there was a bit of an abrasion from him struggling. "You're fine, just a slight abrasion."

"I can't believe you're so concerned for my health! You're acting like my personal doctor!" Kokichi grinned.

"You know, you've been repeating yourself a lot..." You began.

"So? That's all I have to say because I'm sooo shocked, you know!" Kokichi kept his signature grin.

"...You're lying. You were expecting this," You sat back on his lap, "And yet you never stopped me. Do you love me so much you wanted me to tie you down? Do you want me to dominate you like this?"

"I thought you loved me so much you knew everything about me. You're a fraud," Kokichi huffed.

"Then I'll test this for myself~" You cooed, kissing Kokichi on the lips.

To your surprise, the male passionately kissed back. You stuck your tongue in his mouth and explored every crevice, causing him to slightly moan but the kiss muffled it. You pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. You were a blushing mess, and Kokichi was slightly blushing himself.

"So, what do you think?" Kokichi casually smiled.

"Awww~! You're secretly submissive~!" You grinned.

"I would show you my dominant side but I'm kinda tied up..." Kokichi complained.

"Oopsie! Do you wanna be untied?" You asked.

"Yeah! Then I can embrace you and do all sorts of things to you~" Kokichi whispered in a seductice tone.

Excited, you untied the male. He stood up, a snarl on his lips. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY DECEIVED YOU, BITCH!!!" Kokichi growled.

"Huh...?" You were truly confused. Did Kokichi... just trick you?

"I HATE YOU! DO YOU THINK I WOULD ACTUALLY LOVE SOME CREEPY BITCH WHO STEALS MY STUFF?!" Kokichi screeched, running out of your dorm as fast as he could.

Too heartbroken to continue on with life, you killed yourself.

Kokichi laughed once he found out you killed youself at the trial. He was so happy you were finally out of his life.
Word count: 815

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