Animator! Reader (REQUEST)

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Basically the same thing as the last request pfffft-

Kokichi x Animator! Reader

(Your POV)

The animation wasn't good enough. There were errors everywhere, and you'd already spent so long fixing things.

"Why can't I seeeeee?!" Kokichi grumbled.

"Because it isn't ready yet!" You declared.

"You said that two days ago!"

Had you really been working on it for that long? If so, you hadn't slept at all. Or eaten. Or got out of your seat, for that matter. You looked at the date on the tablet you'd been drawing with, it always plugged in. Sure enough, you'd been fixing things for two days straight.

You stood up on shaky legs, needing to apologize to your boyfriend. You were making an animation of you and him for his birthday, but because you didn't like it, it was well past a month. Kokichi's patience was wearing thin and you knew it.

"Okay, fine! I'll let you see it!" You cringed, what if he didn't like it?!


"Oh. My. God," Kokichi slowly turned his head to you.

"It was bad, wasn't it?!" You panicked, cowering away from him.

"No! Oh my gosh, that was the best animation I've ever seen!" Kokichi hugged you close, "Did you lose weight?! I can easily feel your bones!"

"Um... Probably..." You nervously giggled.

"Stay here. I'm gonna make you something," Kokichi commanded.

About half an hour later, he returned with a huge bowl of spaghetti on a tray (I'm craving spagehtti don't fucking ask or I'll fucking ask where your head went once I tear it off). You immediately dug in, hunger knawing and burning your stomach and weighing you down.


"Thanks for the meal," You hugged Kokichi.

"You need to start taking better care of yourself," Kokichi complained, but hugged you back anyways.

"But you take care of me!" You kissed the male on the lips.

Before he could react, you pulled away. Kokichi pouted and kissed you on the lips, putting his hand behind your head so you couldn't pull away. You kissed back, and you shared a passionate kiss before releasing it for air.

You were a crazy animator, but he was just as crazy for dating you.

Word count: 369

Kokichi Oma x Reader ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now