Chapter 1. Classification Day

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Aiden's pov

I dusted my suit and stared at myself in the mirror. Damn, Angel was right, I should try wearing more suits, I do look good in a suit which shouldn't be so shocking. "Aiden, hurry up," I heard my mother calling. "Coming" I called out, giving my hair a retouch before running downstairs and saw my parents standing together with some other pack members.

"Oh Wow, look who decided to wear a suit for the first time in fifteen years of her existence," My father laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I cringed but didn't show it, it was such a lame joke and didn't even make sense. Makes sense only if he expects me to wear a suit when I was in diapers. "That'll be me." I laughed along.

I slowly slipped away from his arm and went to my mother's side. "What changed your mind? I thought you hated suits." She smiled as she turned me around, adjusting my tie and continued. "I remember begging you to wear a suit five months ago when you first joined the mafia after you transitioned into your wolf for the time"

I shrugged. "I am gonna get classified, I should radiate the energy," Her smile fell a little but I continued, "and what if my future little was also there to get classified, I must maintain a good first impression," I raised my eyebrow as my mom forced a smile and rubbed my cheek. "Dom, sure?" I turned to look and found my elder sister walking down the stairs, wearing her dress suit.

"Hey, don't be like that," I groaned. Mom placed her hand on my shoulder, making me look at her and smiled warmly.  "It doesn't matter what you classify as, you'll still be one of us,"

"What do you mean by that, I'm gonna get classified as a dom,"

"Sorry to bust your dream bubbles but...." Angel just smirked. I simply laughed, I knew she was joking but my dad took it seriously. "She's gonna classify as a Dom, I am a Dom, you yourself are a Dom, your mother is, I see no reasons she wouldn't classify as one,"

"I know Dad, she has such a little aura and her wolf is also so tiny," I'm not! My wolf growled in my mind. Shh, today is a good day, today, we'll restarin our anger today.

"She had her transition way too early, her wolf would obviously be small, no wolf has ever had their transition at 14." Dad was flaming with anger and Angel knew better than arguing with him when he was in such a mood so she raised her hands in surrender.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Let's go or else, we'll be late," We left the house and dad asked the pack members to stay at home. The driver opened the door and I sat on one of the rumble seats.

My dad sat beside me and smiled at me brightly with his teeth on display. I returned his smile with an awkward smile. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. This is weird. I have never been very close to my dad. Angel was what we can call the daddy's girl.

Angel was the one to sit with Dad in every car ride or dinner party, they were super closer to each other because by the time I was five Angel had turned eighteen, had her transition, and then joined the mafia, Dad was way too busy with her to concentrate on me.

I didn't care too much about that because I was a mommy's girl and will always be, Maybe that's why I always incline more towards females in every matter. I've already made it clear my pet or little will be a girl.

"We're here," My father announces. I grinned, looking at my mother as I rubbed my hands over my pants. My father and Angel got out of the car and started walking inside, leaving me and my mother back.

I was about to follow but my mother grabbed my arm, I sat down and bounced my eyebrows. She rubbed my arm and gave me a warm smile. "Aiden as much as I know you, baby, I'm very sure you're not gonna classify as a Dom, I've seen softest people get classified as Dom, there are chances that you may classify as a Dom but they are very low," I shook my head stubbornly unable to understand why she was thinking this way. "You're a Dom, Dad is a Dom, Angel is a Dom,"

"It has nothing to do with family and its background, it's all about what your heart desires the most," My Mom rubbed my cheek. I yanked my head away and got out of the car. We're gonna classify as a Dom, my wolf assured. I know. I responded.

My mom and I joined Angel and my father. When we got there, there was a large line of people and I couldn't help but look around in hope that maybe one of them is my future little but to my great luck, my father took me to the front of the line, of course no one would oppose the alpha and the leader of the largest mafia gang. "Angel, take her in, we'll wait outside,"

"Sure thing," She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and practically dragged me in. Angel took off my jacket and waistcoat before pushing me down on the bed. "Is it gonna hurt?"

She played with my short curly hair and said "You?" I nodded. "Considering, you're a sub so it is gonna hurt," I growled Punch her my wolf commanded. As if she won't punch back harder, dumbass.

My sister looked at the woman and said "Sedate her, first," The nurse bowed, my sister scoffed. "Subs," I frowned and said "That's why you get no bitches," She narrowed her eyes "what did you say"

I pouted innocently. "There has to be a reason you didn't find your mate yet,"

Soon I was unconscious, I am not sure if it was by Angel's punch or sedation. When I woke up, I was back home in my room. I could hear faded screams. What did I classify as? I wondered and jumped up on my feet, when I reached the stairs,

My heart raced when I saw my father screaming at my mother. "There she is, come down here!" Shit this is bad, don't go, my wolf said. I slowly got down taking in the tense expression of my mother and sister. What happened? "This is all your fault, you babied her so much, she became submissive little, puppy!" He spat out. My eyes widened and my heart sank low in my chest.

I am a sub? I questioned We're sub? My wolf asked. A strong intoxic smell hit my nose and all I wanted was to crawl towards this smell.

The smell made me forget all about my classification. The door opened and a tall, slim, woman with dark hairs and eyes came in. Her eyes directly landed on me and she smiled. My Dad went to her leaving me confused. Before I could guess, her perfectly manicured fingers pointed at me. "I suppose, that one's mine" He snarled "Take her out of my sight, life and house!" I felt my mother's arm around me and I tensed even more.

"Wait-" "SHUT UP!" I flinched and got behind my mom. "You have shamed me and my family, a sub can never be a part of my family!" I gripped my mom's waist looking down at the floor. Fuck! He is angry, he is really angry. "Let's go, sweetheart," The lady said. I nuzzled farther into my mom. My father took my hand and dragged me away. "If you stay here, I will kill you,"If he wasn't our father I would have killed him my wolf growled. "Me too!" I clenched my jaw and glared at him.

"Listen to me," Mom came closer, cupping my face. I was hoping, shw was going to come to my support but the look she was giving me made it very clear she was going to try to make believe Dad wanted what was best for me, like she always does. "Mom, please" I looked at her with pleading eyes. I felt my Dad dragging me away again and clenched my jaw, this man was getting on my nerves.

I pushed his hands off me. "I am leaving!" I pushed my hair back and buttoned my waistcoat. My eyes meet the woman who had her hand in front of me. "What?" I spat out. She stared at me with a terrible smile. "You're coming with me," I scoffed. "In your dreams, whatever you and these people had agreed on, keep it among yourself, don't bring me into it,"

Dad grabbed a hold of my neck "you're going with her!" I pushed his hand away and snarled. "I'll go wherever I want, you've nothing to do with it," I looked at my mother one last time, "as you've made very clear" I turned over and walked out, expecting them to stop me but they didn't.

What was I going to do now?

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