Chapter 34. unruly

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Eliza's Pov

I was sitting on Aiden's chaur and looking into the random paperwork on her desk. Ruby was sitting on the couch and holding Aiden, who was standing infront of her by her wrists to restrick her from running. She was trying to put Aiden down for  asleep but Aiden didn't want to nap, God knows why. She loves sleeps, I don't know why she is been so stubborn today. "Just for an hour, babygirl," Ruby pleaded.

Aiden shook her head with grumpiness. "Okay, no sleep, then, can you just cuddle with me?" Ruby softly pulled her into her lap. Aiden buried her head in Ruby's shoulder and she rubbed her back. I smiled and looked at Ruby. She grinned and bounced her eyebrows.

Ruby successful pulled her into her lap. "No sleep," Aiden mumed into her chest. "Of course not," Ruby begin patting her slowly and she eventually dozed off. "Finally..." I sighed and Ruby put her down on the couch.

As soon as she did that Aiden jolted up and looked around. Ruby tried to lay her down and put her to sleep again but she pushed her hands away and snarled. "You are liar!"

"Shh, come here..." Ruby tried again but was l
with defeat. "I said, I don't want to sleep, fuck off!" She sat up and glared at Ruby. "Aiden!" I closed the file and looked up to her sternly.

"What Aiden! It's her fault," She huffed. I went to her and knelt down. "Is that the way, you talk to your mommy?" She pointed at Ruby and shouted "She tricked me into sleeping!"

"So, you will curse her? Sausorry to her," She shook her stubbornly. Ruby put her hand on Aiden's shoulder to comfort, Aiden slapped it away. "Apologize," Ruby stepped into the conversation and said. "It's alright, Eliza,it is-"

"No, it's not, Aiden, apologize," She just looked down and shook her head again. "last warning Aiden," She kept shaking her head stubbornly. "I said Apologize," She looked up with clenched her jaw and spat. "I ain't apologizing for shit, fuck you both!"

She immediately turned over and hid her face into the arm of the couch. I turned to Ruby and raised my eyebrow. "Don't be too hard on her," She whispered. I nodded I agreement and rubbed Aiden's back. "I am so sorry, baby,"

"Fuck off!" She cried out. "Hey, don't cry, I am sorry, I won't be too harsh again," She let out a sob and curled her back away from my touch. Ruby attempted to pull her into her lap but Aiden fought against that as well.

We continuously tried to make her stop crying but she stopped crying only when she fell asleep from exhaustion. I picked her into my lap and wiped her tears away and Ruby brought tissue to wipe her nose. Ruby massaged Aiden's head slowly and said. "That tantrum escalated real quick,"

I hummed and said "let's take her home already, I guess it's the work that is making her so cranky,"

"Fine, I will take her to the car, you should go and inform Kristen," I nodded and handed Aiden to her. When she left with Aiden, I made my way to Kristen. "Kristen, Aiden is not feeling up, we are taking her home,"

"Sure, no issue," She responded and I turned over to leave. "And wait," I shifted my head towards her and she said "take harper along as well, she has been begging for a play date with Aiden the whole day,"

"She is sleeping and I don't feel like she will be in the mood of playing today," Kristen brushed it off. "Oh, she will be fine after the nap," I didn't bother to argue and searched for Harper. I took her to the car and sat her between me and Ruby who had Aiden sleeping in her arms.

"Kristen told me to take Harper as well, so they both can play together," I explained before she asked. The driver started the car and drove to the house. I noticed, Aiden being quite uneasy in her sleep. She would suddenly start breathing a little heavier and would clench Ruby's clothes often.

She would sleep better when she is in her bed. When we reached, Ruby carried Aiden inside. "When will she wake?" Harper asked as we went inside. "I have no idea," I replied and guided her in. Aiden was sleeping in her room for a few hours. We played some cartoons for Harper's entertainment whilst we were busy in our own.

Harper turned off the TV and turned to us. "Can I wake her up? I wan' play," She frowned. "Don't wake her up, you can play with us," Ruby suggested. "Ok, but I wan' Aiden too," She said. "You can play with us till she wakes up," I said.

She nodded her head. "Only if convincing Aiden was that easy," Ruby mumbled to me. I chuckled and asked Harper. "What do you want to play then?" We went to her. "Hide-and-seek!" She clapped. I smiled and ran my hand through her hair. "Hide-and-seek, it is,"

"You hide, I will seek," She said. We agreed and went into hiding. We played backed and forth for another hour until all of us were tired and decided to stop. Harper was jumping on the couch as she wasn't fully exhausted yet.

"Come, sit, you have to save a little energy to play with Aiden, don't you?" Ruby patted the empty spot beside her. "I will go wake Aiden up else she won't sleep at night," I informed.

"Harper has also been waiting for too long," She added. "Yeah, come Harper, let's wake Aiden,"

"Yay!" She chirped. I took her to Aiden's while Ruby shortly followed us. I turned a soft light on and went to her. She was seemingly awake as she pulled her head under the covers when I turned the light on.

"Puppy, look who is here to play with you," She cooed as put my hand on her back. "Go away, Eliza," She commanded.

"I already told you I am sorry and you were also at fault," I stated. She pulled her head out of the covers and growled. "No, it wasn't!"

"Aiden, can you play with Harper, she has been waiting for hours," Ruby said. "No!" She spat and went back under her covers. I sighed and looked at Harper apologetically. Aiden is already not in a good mood if we force her, she would turn even more angry.

"It's okay, maybe, some other day" She responded with a sad frown on her face. "Sorry," Ruby rubbed her shoulder. She waved her hand towards the two of us and left. "She looked so sad, Aiden, she waited for hours for you wake," I said.

"I didn't ask her to!" I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to scold her.

"Calm down a little," Ruby said to Aiden. "Get put of my room you two," She said, when none of us moved she screamed. "I said get out!"

"Let's go," I said to Ruby. We went out of her room and she said "Let's talk to her after she cools off a little,"

I hummed. "I let her get away with such unruly behavior this time, I swear, if she tries something like this again, she will get punished,"

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