Chapter 3. Shower Tantrums

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I clenched "Stay..."

"Good girl," she patted my head and smirked.

I pulled myself away from her and asked "So what is your name?"

"Eliza Smith," I raised my hand. "I am Aiden," She hummed as her hands traveled to the button of my waistcoat. "What are you doing?" I asked. She scrunched, You're all dirty so are your clothes, let's bathe you and change you into some nice clothes," She cooed. I cringed and pushed her hands off.

"I perfectly capable of doing that myself,"

"Not anymore, I will be taking care of that from now on," I chuckled. "No thanks,"

"That wasn't a suggestion," I furrowed my eyebrows angrily. "Oh fuck off!" I wriggled away. "Watch your words, little girl," I clenched my jaw "Don't little girl me,"

"Okay, I'll let you take a bath on your own this one time, only because this is your first day here," She said and went and came back with a onesie."I ain't wearing that!" I shouted, "Why not?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Because I don't want to" She handed me the onesie "You will have to, these are the only type of clothes you will have to wear from now on,"

"I won't," She put a finger on my lip. "washrooms that way, Go" I went and locked the door. wash your clothes and wear them again after taking shower my wolf said. I agreed and turned on the shower and took off my clothes. I washed my clothes and hung them, as they dried I took a shower.

There were only baby products here and I looked around and saw Dove shampoo and soap on a top shelf. I grabbed them and washed myself and my hair after I was done. I checked my clothes were still soaking wet. So I sat down under the shower and waited for them to dry. I heard a knock on the door. "Are you okay in there?" I shouted "yes!"

"What is taking you so long" I remained silent. After fifteen to twenty minutes Eliza said again "If you are not out in five minutes, I will come in!" She screamed.

"Fuck!" I growled and grabbed my clothes and hurriedly wore them. I opened the door and she was standing there. "What is this? Why are you not wearing the onesie I gave you," I smirked "I washed my clothes, they are not dirty anymore so i wore them,"

"They are wet and still a little dirty," I shoke my head. "I do not care, they will dry off in a while," "so stubborn, wear onesie today, I will get you clothes of your choice tomorrow," She said and I moved to the bed.

"No," I could tell she was annoyed by this. "I have to present you to the others, you can not go there like this," I grinned "Nope, not wearing that,"

She stared at me before saying "Go to my closet and take whatever you like," I jumped out of the bed with a proud smile and went to her closet and got a pants and a shirt for myself. I went in and changed into them.

They are big on us. My wolf stated. I think we can manage. I replied. I went out and Eliza was sitting on the bed. She looked at me and frowned. I went to her and sat beside her. "what is this place?"

She took my hand and rolled up my sleeves "Well, you can call it an academy, a decade ago, I and my fellow Mommy dom vampires found this abandoned palace, since that day, we collected vampire littles and brought them here and took care of them, every dom has brought specific littles for themselves but every little belongs to every dom here,"

I hummed and she said "let's go, I have to introduce you to them," I nodded and followed her."Be a good baby okay?"Be a good baby my wolf mocked. I laughed. "what is so funny?" she asked smiling. "Be a good baby" I said mockingly. She rolled her eyes.

She stopped in front of a room with large doors. She opened it and 20-30 females were sitting in a long row. "we were waiting for you," we entered the room, and the door close. The room was large but empty and dark, there is nothing more than. A few lamps and this huge table. "I know,"

I followed her. She sat on the armchair and put her hand on my hip and said "sit," she platted her lap. I removed her hand and snarled "No," she glared at me. "Why did you bring a wolf here?" one of the females said.

Eliza leaned back and said "I wanted to try something more interesting, that's why I went to her town and was searching for a little luckily I bumped into the alpha of her pack who immediately recognized me but instead of fighting me gave me her, he called her a price to leave his town,"

"There are littles here, she is a danger to them," another one said "she is a pup, a little and a pet, she can not harm them, and it would be a matter of pride for us, dominating a..." she trailed off as she looked at me and said "Stay outside at the door, don't go anywhere" I nodded and left the room. It would be a great opportunity to explore this academy.

I randomly start roaming around this place. I noticed there are many rooms here, a large playground where subs were playing. A dining room with three long tables. Two on one side and one on the other side. Not bad place in general if you ask me.

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