Chapter 46. Baby Steps

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Ruby's pov

I stood in the doorway of the room and watched Aiden with curiosity and surprise. She loves buying toys but you'll rarely see her playing. She had cried to death to convince Eliza to let her buy more than ten wolf plushies.

Eliza didn’t wasn't happy about it 'cause of multiple reasons. The top one being one wolf plush would be enough. But now, the look on her face tells me she's glad she let her buy them. Aiden had gathered all the wolf plushies on the floor and was playing out a fight between them.

Each of the plushies represents different members of her pack. She had Angel as the bad guy and herself as the good guy and divided the plushies into two groups and started a fierce battle.

She made sure to make her plush beat the crap out of Angel's right from the beginning. She looked so lost and invested in the game but then, she looked up and noticed us watching her.

Embarrassed, she quickly put down the plushies and turned away from us. I walked in softly, not wanting to shame her. I sat down behind her and pulled her into me. "So...." I put my head on her shoulder and tucked her chin upwards. "Which one's me?"

She turned her head backward and stared in confusion. "You no wo'f?" I playfully hummed. "But I'm your Luna, am I not?" She looked back at me guiltily. "Sowwy, no for you,"

Eliza settled on the other side and picked up two stuffed animals and passed them on to me. "It's okay, pup, Can we be these?"

"It's wo'f war, This no wo'f,"

We grinned and got on either side of the werewolf  and declared "Time for a battle!" Then attacked her with their plushies. Aiden brought her hands up for defense and said "Wait, wait,"

"You gotta hurry up, baby, you're getting eaten," Aiden excitedly jumped in, arming up with her plush and a huge grin on her face. She ran around the room, jumping onto the bed with her plush up for attack.

Eliza and I joined her in bed, As she raged, laughter and shouting filled the room. We let her have the lead and tackle us down with her attack and played for a few more minutes before tackling her down with us.

Eliza wrapped her arms around her and let her snuggle into her neck while I scratched her scalp. "You know, there's nothing wrong with playing with toys," I whispered into her ear.

She looked up at me, her eyes begging me not to acknowledge it. "We won't tell anyone," she said. "You can play with your toys in here as much as you like."

She awkwardly looked away. Eliza pulled her up and her face out before cupping her jaw. She caressed her cheek and encouraged "Go and play," Aiden groaned and buried her head in her neck.

Eliza carried her out of the bed and sat her down. She lifted her chin and said "Play," She nibbled her bottom lip as Eliza stood up and stepped back. She stayed still for a moment before she pulled her cars out and started dragging them across the floor sheepishly. She kept looking back at us for some reason.

But soon she let loose, forgetting about everything around her and allowing herself to explore and be creative with her toys. I watched her mumbling stuff and crawling around behind her car.

After a long time, I stood up to pick her up and bring her to bed. "Time to sleep, baby," Aiden yawned and raised her arms for me. I laid her on the bed and Eliza slid the covers over her. She made herself comfortable and started patting her to sleep but all Aiden did was look up with wide open eyes. "Close your eyes, baby," I ran my fingers over her eyelids and she obeyed.

Just when Eliza stopped patting and stood up, assuming Aiden was asleep she opened her eyes and stared at her with confusion. I sighed and lifted her hair from her forehead. "Can't sleep?" She nodded, looking at me with tired eyes.

Eliza left the room and Aiden scooted closer to me, laying her head on my chest. "Hmm, so how about I read a bedtime story for you?" I asked. She nodded, a yawn escaping her lips.

I scrolled through my phone and pulled out the perfect story for me and started reading. I paused when I saw Eliza entering the room with a nursing bottle in her hand. Aiden raise her head to ask me why I stopped reading.

"This would help you sleep," Eliza told and settled in bed and I helped Aiden's head onto the pillow so she could drink. "Do you want to?" She asked. Aiden looked between her and the bottle before nodding frankly.

Eliza put the bottle on her lip and at first, Aiden wasn't sure what to do, but after some encouragement from us, she started to drink from it and immediately seemed more relaxed. "Good girl," I kissed her cheek, feeling even more proud of her.

We took turns feeding Aiden until she was fast asleep. Turns out a bottle filled with warm milk was exactly what she needed, within half an hour.

I turn to Eliza and mouthed. "Baby steps," She smiled and tucked her in properly. I close my eyes with hopes of her carrying on like this.

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