Chapter 33. Nightmare

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We made our way down for dinner and let Aiden get some rest. I sat on the right side of Kristen while Eliza sat on the left and waited for the good to get served. "Where is Aiden?"

"She is sleeping," I responded. "We will make her something when she wakes up," Eliza added. We started eating in silence, only the clicking of the spoon with the plate could be heard.

"So..." Kristen said, her word lingering. We both averted our gaze to hers and she continued after an awful minute of silence. "Have you and Aiden marked each other and mated?" She asked her, her eyes stuck on me, holding some uncertainty.

I licked the food off my lips and looked at Eliza who was also staring at me now. "Umm...we never talked...about that," She nodded, picking up the food into her spoon. "Why not? You both have been together for a long enough time, Ruby,"

I placed my spoon down on the plate. "We weren't dating until the end,"

"You should atleast mark each other, it would be better for her wolf to start communicating with me," Kristen said. I bounced my eyebrows. "I didn't know there was a way for her wolf to communicate with me,"

Eliza laughed. "Not just her wolf, even you both can communicate mentally," I hummed. This was new information to me.

"It would be even better if you mate as soon as possible, you can't have the title of Luna without it, it would verify her being the true Alpha, and then I suppose the moon goddess would grant her the Alpha powers by making her bigger and the strongest in the pack," Kristen spoke out.

"I thought as soon as any child of the Alpha finds their mate, they are automatically granted those powers," Eliza pointed out. Kristen moved her head toward Eliza and said "I thought so too, but Aiden's case is a little different, if this doesn't work then, we will have to wait till she reaches the age to see what happens next,"

We finished up our food while Kristen left for her room, we sat in the living room. I was on my phone and Eliza picked a random magazine from the table to read.

We were sitting there for an hour or so until we got bored with whatever we were doing and engaged in a conversation. We talked about random stuff but mostly related to Aiden. "I can't wait till she accepts her little side, she is going to be so cute,"

My lips turned into a smile and I said "I know...she will the cutest,"

Eliza looked up at the clock and asked. "Don't you think we should wake her up? She has to eat something,"

"She will be so cranky if we wake her up, she will eventually wake up in a while," I responded. She nodded and said. "I will head up to my room, you should too, you must be tired as well," I rubbed my hands on my pants and nodded.

We darted to the rooms, we were offered by Kristen. I rested my back against the mattress and I wasn't planning on falling asleep but my eyes were getting more and more heavy as the time passed and I eventually fell asleep.

I was awakened by some loud cries. I didn't have any time to process anything. I immediately went out and saw Aiden rubbing her eyes and sobbing, her face covered in tears. I rushed by her side and pulled her in. "Baby..." Eliza also came out of her room. She immediately came by when she spotted us and rubbed Aiden's back. "What's wrong, puppy?" She asked.

Aiden sobbed into my chest, unable to respond. I hugged her as tight as I could, rubbing her back. Eliza kissed the back of her head and murmured into her ear. "It's alright, we are here, baby, shh, it's alright, it's alright,"

This all seemed to work and Aiden calmed down. We took her into her room and laid her down. "Why were you crying? Did you have a bad dream?"

She shook her head. "Mons'er," I looked at Eliza who pulled Aiden into her arms and asked. "Yeah?" Aiden nodded. "Did my baby kill it?" She shook her head. I nuzzled closer and bent my head down. "We will go and kill so it does scare our baby again,"

She got a hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly. "No, no go, no go," She whimpered. I kissed the top of her hand and said "Not going anywhere," She still didn't let go of my hand, not complaining. "You haven't eaten anything, what would you want to eat?" I asked. She shook her and turned her face, hiding it in Eliza's lap.

"Just ask the servants to make her spaghetti," Eliza said as she ran a soothing hand through her hair. I gave her a nod a tried to move but Aiden wasn't letting go of my hand. "Aiden, can you please let go of my hand?"

"No," She responded. "I need to use the toilet, I will come back," I said. She looked up at me and said "P'omise?"

"Yes promise," She let go of my hand and I went to ask the servants to bring food into her room. When I returned, Aiden was sitting on her knees with a scowl on her face. "Wan' 'at" She whined. "I told you, honey, I will bring them into your room, in the morning,"

She groaned and stomped in the bed. "Now!" I entered the room and asked. "What is she asking for?"

"Her toys," Eliza stood up and continued. "I told her, they are downstairs and we will get them up in the morning but she just doesn't listen," I chuckled. "I will ask then servants to bring them in here,"

"I will do that, you stay with her," She went out, I got near Aiden and she asked with a tense face. "Angie?" I kissed her temple and replied. "Why would I be angry?"

"Liza angie," She said. "She isn't," She put her head on my shoulder and mumbled a sentence. I didn't quite understand. "I don't get it, pup, what are you trying to say?"

Eliza walked in with a few servants carrying Aiden's toys. Aiden slowly walked up to Eliza and pulled on her hand. Eliza turned towards her and she said, looking down at the floor "Sowwy," Eliza lifted her face and frowned. "Aww, for what?"

She said something which I didn't understand again. "I didn't leave, I was just bringing your toys to you," Eliza cupped her cheek. "No wan', wan' yo'"

"I am right here with you,"

A/N: I am sorry for the painfully slow updates. I am working on improving my grammar and writing. Whatever I write doesn't please me, so then I have to redo it all and it takes lots of time and patience. I hope you understand.

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