Chapter 6. Competitive

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Eliz's pov

It has been days since I brought her here, I have been patient and she is not regressing. Aiden is way too busy bullying other littles and trying to act all tough and bad to concentrate on regressing.

It is not that I do not have any problem with her bullying them, it is just that if she tries to bully them or they find her when they are not regressed, she is going to get a hard beating.

I have decided that I am going to try to make her regress today. She was laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. I closed the book, I was reading and got on the bed with her. "Hey, puppy," She looked at me confusedly "hey?" "We're going to do something today,"

"That's something challenging, pups can't do it, it is more of a big wolf's thing," She shot up. "I can do it," "sure? do not back away when I tell you what it is," She got closer and said "I am not going to, what is it?"

"Fine, don't back away,"  "I won't" She said. "I will throw this ball and set a timer and this ball and see how fast you can bring this back to me," "I can surely do that," "but you will have to run on all four," she shrugged "yeah, My wolf can do that,"

"Not wolf you," She fell silent. "It is okay if you can not do that," "I can! Of course I can" She defended herself. I smiled and got the balls. Let's hope this makes her slip. I threw the ball and set a timer. Aiden crawled quickly toward it and brought it back.

We repeated this multiple times and I got to see no sign of slipping on her face so I decided to do something else. "Very good, you are pretty fast I will have to say," She stood up and grinned. "Told you,"

"I have another challenge can you do it?" "Of course, I can," She said eagerly. "you and I will color and see who colors better, how about that?" She seemed less enthusiastic but agreed. "Yeah,"

I brought a coloring book, and colors and put them on the bed. "Let's start," She picked up a color and started coloring. She was very fully concentrated on it and was trying not to color out of line.

She was smiling, this one is definitely gonna work. "Show me" I said and got closer to her but accidentally bumped her hand and the coloring got ruined.

Aiden got frustrated and tore the page. "That is cheating, I am not playing" She said and went to the door. "Sorry, it was accidental, baby," I said and followed her.

She went out and shut the door. I opened the door and went behind her. I held her wrist and pulled her back into the room. I locked the door and said "Sorry, I cheated, you won,"

She had a scowl on her face as she sat on the bed. I rolled my eyes and checked the time. "Let's go, time for dinner,"  She clenched her jaw "I am not hungry!" She chuckled.

"You are really throwing a tantrum because of a childish competition?" She remained silent and laid back on the bed. I got to her and tried to cherish her cheeks but she pushed my hand away. 

I went downstairs to get food for her. I went to the kitchen and asked the maids to get two plates ready. I was waiting for the maid to get the food ready when Isabella came into the kitchen and said. "You have to come with me to the meeting room,"

"Now? I have to feed Aiden," She said "That can wait,"

"Okay, Please get these plates to my room," I said to the maid and went with Isabella. I took my chair and I asked "What is this meeting about?" "About that wolf of yours," Claire said "what about her?"

"That wolf has been bullying the littles for many days, we were expecting you to teach her a lesson about it, but you did not order doing that so we are going to,"  Ruby said,

" need for that I will make sure she does not do something like that again,"

"You had the time to do so but you didn't, it's our turn to punish her," I stood up "She is having a really hard time, her family neglected her, her father gave her to an enemy, her pack is sitting on the edge to kill her, she hasn't regressed yet,"

"I don't see how that gives her a right to bully other littles,"

"I am not saying me, I will have sure she won't bully anyone again," I said.

"What if she does?" Claire asked. "I would let you punish her," "I hope you don't forget your words," Claire said. "I will go now," I said and went to my room. Aiden ignored me and continued eating her food. I picked up my plate and sat beside her. "Don't bully anyone from tomorrow,"

"okay," She said simply.  "I am serious, if you do, you are going to get punished," I said sternly. "I said okay," She said. "Don't complain when you get punished" She growled. "I said okay!" I sighed. "Finish up your food and go take shower,"

"I will, no need to be my mom," It was useless arguing with her.

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