Chapter 17. Attempt

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Ruby's pov

I was laying in bed with Aiden on top of me. She was sound asleep and it was seven-thirty. I should wake her up and get her dressed. I was interested in her from the day I saw her turn into a pup and try to fight the two caregivers.

That time, I just wanted to know more about her because I had never seen or met wolfs but her behavior made me want to stay away from her. Somehow, I ended up falling in love with her.

When I first came here, everything and everyone was freaky to me. Eliza was the only person, I thought was harmless and treated me like a friend.

Eliza never questioned my ability. I agree that with time, the rest of them started having faith in me but they used to say I shouldn't be classified as a Mommy because I was the youngest in the Academy.

That rank is now Aiden's but they would never accept a wolf in this palace. They can't go against Eliza, she is the oldest and you can say the head. They are scared of her so am I.

I will have to make them like her. They don't know her yet, when they do, they are gonna love her and her cute little growls, and whining as I did. The one that made me fall the hardest, those puppy little eyes.

The times I fell harder for her was when she made me feel so special like she would look at me with so much passion and love, she would listen to no one but me, and she would try to make me think she was a good little girl. The way she would choose me over her caregiver. She might not accept it but she is attached to Eliza, more than she might realize.

"Aiden," I whispered in her ears. She hummed and rolled off me and laid on her back. "Wake up,"

"Eliza don't" She groaned. "It's Ruby, honey," She turned to me as she slowly opened up her eyes. I kissed her forehead "It's okay, now up" She looked at the look and nuzzled into my chest. "It's not even eight," I pulled her up and dragged her to the bathroom.

She came out after a quick shower, I wanted to give her one but she didn't let me. We went to the dining room and ate. After that, all the caregivers were taking their littles to the playground. Aiden was sitting there and staring at Eliza taking Emily and Jack out. I went to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Will you come with me?" She stood up happily and asked, "Out of this palace?"

"No, somewhere inside," Her smile faded. "Yeah, where?" I grabbed her hand and took her out of the room. "Where are you taking me?" I said "You will know"

I took her to the room where all the caregivers often spend their time talking to each other when the littles are playing on the ground. "It's empty," She said. "I know but these caregivers often spend their time here when the littles are in the ground,"

"And?" She asked suspiciously. "And nothing, you are staying here with me,"


"Because you have a bad reputation in front of the caregivers and I want to improve that, once they spend a little time with you, they would realize you are just a little itsy bitsy baby and not a big bad wolf," I cooed and pulled her cheek. "Don't call me a baby, I am a big bad wolf" She grinned devilishly.

I scoffed, "My big bad baby " and connected our foreheads and she whispered, "Your big bad wolf," She was leaning down for a kiss when "What is she doing here?" Isabella asked.

"None of your business," Eliza entered the room and watched the three of us. "The wolf is here" Isabella pointed at us. "She might want to spend some time with her new mommy,"

"None of the littles have been here for spending time with their caregivers, if you want to spend time with your pup, Ruby, take her to your room," Circe said. "I want her here," Eliza said.

I had already talked to her about this, and she supported my idea and agreed to help. They didn't argue and sat in a corner with Aiden and Eliza. "Aiden, you will have to make a good impression in front of them," I said

"Why?" She asked. "Because if you can't live like this forever, you will have to socialize with them as well," Eliza said. "I don't want to," She groaned out loud. "Aiden," Eliza hissed warningly. "If you make them like you, you will get anything you like," She looked at me then at Eliza "Anything? Eliza?"

"Yes, anything," She smiled cheerily and ran towards Circe, Isabella, Flora, and Debra were talking. She made her place on the table between them. They were giving her hateful looks. She put forward her hand for them to shake. She said "Hi, I noticed you people don't like me much," Debra looked at her hand "It's not that you like us,"

We could see her rolling her eyes. She looked at us and shrugged in annoyance. "See, I want to have good relations with you, let's just restart it all and be on good terms,"

Isabella looked at us and said "Go back to your mommy," Aiden looked back at us and came back defeatedly. "I tried, they don't want to be on good terms,"

"That's not called trying," Eliza said. "You should do something that would make them like you," I added. "Like what?" I looked at Eliza for suggestions.

"You will have to slip," She told Aiden. Aiden looked at me and frowned. "How?"

"What makes you slip?" I asked. "I don't know, Ruby"

"I know," Eliza said. Aiden raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Forget it, we will try something else, later," Aiden groaned. "But the gift won't change," I nodded. She turned around and explored the room. Eliza came closer and whispered in my ears. "Physical contact and cuddles make her slip," "I can do that,"

"Yes and don't let her realize that because once she realizes she is gonna throw a fit,"

"Okay," I mumbled and pulled Aiden into me. "Hi, puppy," She smiled and kissed me. I put her head on my the shoulder "Hi," I repeated.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer into my lap. I put my head on her shoulder and rubbed her head. She smiled and leaned into my touch. I cuddled with her as she watched the floor silently. "What are you thinking?" I asked, "can't tell,"

"I hope you are not planning something mischievous," Eliza said, she lifted her chin and turned Aiden's face towards her. Aiden rested her face against my arm.

"I was thinking about the thing I am about to get," I chuckled "You are really eager for it huh?" She nodded eagerly. "Tell me, maybe we would give it to you before you complete the task,"

She sat up in my lap immediately. "Really?" "Yeah," She looked at Eliza for reassurance. Eliza agreed. Aiden laid her back in Eliza's lap and looked up at the sealing.

"I want to go back to my home, to my family, to my town," I and Eliza stared at each other in confusion.

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