Chapter 19. A visit

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Eliza's Pov

I was reading a book after getting Jack and Emily to sleep. It is so difficult sleeping without Aiden. I haven't slept properly since Aiden has gone. It is so hard whenever I see Ruby taking care of her. Life seems incomplete without her. It has never happened before, I had littles for decades and I exchanged them and moved on without any issue. But this one, I had her for barely a few months and I am so attached to her.

I heard a knock on the door. I went to open and Ruby was standing there. "You need anything?" "No, i-it's Aiden, she..." I smiled "She is being troublesome?"

She shook her head. "She's...I-I can't find her," I shut the door and walked out. "what do you mean by that?!"

"I had gone to get diapers from her when I returned she was not in the room,"

"Did you check the washroom, The kitchen, the playground...and all the other places?" I said panicking.

"N-no...I only checked the washroom,"

"Fine, listen you go to the kitchen, I will go to the playground, tell me if find her... " I said and went the other way. "I think..." I stopped and turned around. "...she ran away," I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, she would not do that, search around...."

"When I returned the window was opened,"

"I said search around the palace,"

"She can go far if we don't search for her outside,"  I bit my bottom lips "I'll go," I said and went outside with super speed. I stopped to decide which direction she could have gone, Ruby was standing beside me now. "she might recognize your sent and hide,"

"She is a pup, Eliza, it wouldn't be that hard to catch her," She said and ran to the left. I decided to check in the woods. "Aiden, if you are here come out before I find you!" I warned. I ran around the woods in search of her. I made sure to use my super-hearing to track her footsteps or breathing but it turned out to be an animal every time.

I went outside and searched around the town. I bumped into Ruby. "Any sign of her?"

"No, but yeah...this on that tree," She said and showed me Aiden's shoe. So, She did run away. "Atleast we know, she is outside,"

"Let's go and gather everyone," We went back and woke everyone up. "Aiden is missing,"

"We should be thankful then," one of them said. I ignored the comment. "I want your help to find her,"

"No thanks, Eliza, we would prefer not to," Debra says. "However finds her would get rewarded with whatever they want," I watched as everybody lit up in hopes and happiness.

"Think about it, they might demand something you wouldn't be able to give,"

"I have done my thinking....scatter in all directions and tell me first if you get any information," They all left. Ruby was about to leave when I caught her. "Ruby, wait we have to go somewhere else"

"Where?" "Follow me," I said

*time skip*

"What is this place?"

"Aiden's hometown?"

"What! What are we doing here? They might sense us,"

"Don't worry, I have been promised my safety by their alpha, no one can harm us here," people were staring at us weirdly but none of them did anything. "What are you doing here?" A woman said.

"Keep walking," I said to Ruby. "Where is my sister?" We both stopped. That's Aiden's sister. "I have to talk about her to your father," she said "Unfortunately, you will have to talk to me, but not here," She said and started walking and we both followed her.

She stopped and turned around "Who is this," "I am Ruby, Aiden's mate,"

"Her mate?" She said surprisedly.

She took us to her home and we were sitting in the living room as she brought her mother. "Hello," I greeted her and held my hand in front of her. She took it and said, "How is my girl?"

"We are here to talk about her" They waited for us to speak more. "She went missing last night and.."

"What?!" Her mother exclaimed. "How can you be so irresponsible!" Ruby stood up and said "We were not, she wanted to come here but we didn't let her so she ran away and we expect her to be coming here,"

"Who are you?"

"Aiden's mate," Angel replied. Her mother smiled at this. "She found her mate?"

"You can discuss this later," I said "Aiden can be here any minute, we want your husband to withdraw the order of killing her,"

"He can't" I rolled my eyes. "He will have to or else I will kill him!"

"He can't because he is dead," Her sister said. "But she can, as the Luna of the pack, you can," Ruby said. "I-"

"You will have to,"

"I don't know if they would follow my order, they were really loyal to him," I went to her sister "Whose the new alpha?"

"I will be after I find my mate,"

"So they will have to follow their future alpha won't they?" She shrugged, "he passed away recently and I never tried to pass any orders," Her mother said "We will try our best to convince them, but don't get your hopes up,"

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