Chapter 20. Lost

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Aiden's pov

My eyes fluttered open, my view was blurry and my head hurt so bad. I was laying on my stomach on something hard. I whined and tried to move but my hands and feet were chained. I had no idea where I was, the last thing I remember is standing beside the window and something sharp hitting my forehead.

Where are we? I don't know. I sat and rested against the wall. I heard heels clicking and opened my eyes. The place had no light in it. The person came closer and closer. "Hmm, took you long enough to wake up," The voice seemed familiar but I couldn't recognize it. "Who are you?" She bend down and said "Take a guess, little wolf,"

"What do you want from me?"

"Revenge.....not from you, from your mommy,"


"nope, take another guess,"

"Your cunt!" I said through gritted teeth. She gripped my jaw and corrected "I am talking about Eliza, bitch!"

"Really! I would have ever fucking guessed," I said sarcastically.

"Aha, Such a smart baby," She strengthen jer gripped on my jaw. "Now, I have given you a hint, any guess?" Oh, I know who she is! I kicked her leg and freed my jaw. "I see, you still got the same attitude," She pulled up the chains and lifted my body from the ground.

"Learnt nothing from the punishment?" She lifted me up more where I was infront of her face. That's the bitch claire. I clenched my jaw. "You bitch! I have been waiting to fuck you up,"

"If I were you, I would prefer keeping my mouth shut,"

"If I were I you, I would prefer that too," I retorted. She slapped me across the face. I growled "You son of bitch!"

"Shut up!" She gripped my neck. I wriggled to free myself. She left and neck and said "Open that mouth again and I will kill you," She was leaving when I screamed. "So what? You are going to keep me here, you can't keep me here forever!" She let out an evil laugh and shut the door.

I was standing there for hours. It was not possible to sit because of the chain she had arranged the chains. My feet had become sore. I bend my knee for a little relief. What should we do? I asked my wolf. How about we shift? These chains won't fit and we would be free. Yeah, okay.

I let my wolf come out and the chain slipped out during the transition. Wow It did work. I said. Obviously, it was going to work, idiot. Let's get out of this place before she comes. You are scared of her. I scoffed. We can kill her with one bite, atleast let's take our revenge. Shut up, I am not scared, I don't want any more problems. My wolf said.

No, I whined. Aiden, we can't beat her alone. You weren't the one beaten by her that's why you are saying this. My wolf rolled his eyes. That beating also had the same effect on me.

We literally share the same body. Yes! Aiden I am not going to listen to you. Do I keep disturbing you or forcing orders on you when you are in control? No. So let me make my own decision.

I groaned and shook my head. No,no,no, we will kill her. She ignored me a kept walking towards the window. I want back to shift back to my human form.

We will fucking die! Did you not hear what I said. I want the control! No, you will get us in trouble. I won't if I did, I will...I will do whatever you ask. Please, let it go, it is useless. she hurt me so bad and you want me to just let it go.

We argued like this for a few more minutes before she gave in and let me shift back into my human form. I went towards my clothes and wore them before grabbing the chains. I went to the door but it was locked from the outside so I had to wait til she comes.

After a few hours, I felt the doors getting opened. I immediately became alert and ready for attack. When she came, I pulled her hair and tried to choke her with the chains but she grabbed me and pinned me down like I weighed nothing. "You want to get punished really badly, pup?"

I groaned against her grip and spat at her face. She wiped her face. "I had decided to be soft with you but now that you are practically begging for it," Let me out now. Let me! I can fight her. Be it!

I hit her with my head and whimpered out loud at the pain. It had no effect on her. She pulled me up and dragged me out. I shut my eyes at the sudden contact with light.

She left me there and went somewhere. I rubbed my eyes. She returned with a whip in her hand and pulled my hair. "You will learn to respect me! You little piece of shit,"

She sat down on the sofa and pulled me by the hair along with her. And bend me down in her lap. I groaned and tried to remove her grip from my hair. "Leave me!" I successfully rolled off her lap and threw a vessel at her.

She caught it and threw it away. She showed her fangs and pulled me back. Fuck, Aiden let me out. No, AIDEN! I punched her face and she got her whip and hit me with it.

I screamed out and she hit me again. I held the whip when she tried to hit again. "Ahha, don't try to resist, if you had been a good girl you wouldn't get punished,"

She twisted the whip in my hand. I cried out and said to my wolf, Okay, fine I will let out but you will bite her. Yes okay. Claire had got hold of me again and tried to pull off my pants. "Woah! Fuck off!" I held my pants and ran away from her.

My bones shifted and my wolf came out. I jumped on top of her and opened my mouth to bite her but before I could something hit the back of my head and I turned back into my human form.

I turned around and saw a woman's leg but before I could look up at the girl's face, I fell and the unknown girl stopped on my head.

I felt a hand on my back and heard a mocking "Aww, my poor thing," y-yo. I passed out.

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