Chapter 36. Paci

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Ruby's Pov

Eliza had left the room and I was left to look after Aiden. Aiden was laying in her bed sucking her thumb while I went to grab undergarments, a shirt, and shorts for her. "Up baby," I said to her and she let me pull her up.

I got her into her underwear and shorts. I pushed her thumb out of her mouth, she whined and pouted. I kissed her pouted lip then pulled her shirt down onto her head. I pushed her hands through the sleeves and pulled down the end to her hips.

She put her thumb back into her mouth, I tucked her into bed and removed her thumb from her mouth. "no, bad," She frowned but didn't put it back in again. "Want some sleep?" She shook her head tiredly.

I decided not to force her into it and hopped in beside her. I kissed the back of her hand and said "I'll stay here to protect you if any monster tries to hurt you," She shook her head frustratedly. I didn't argue further to avoid annoying her.

I sat beside her as she fought back the urge to sleep, her thumb making its way back to her mouth. I soothed her cheek and said " you...would you..." She turned her head toward me waiting for me to complete.

"Want a paci?" She looked away her thumb falling from her mouth. "Hmm?" She fiddled with the comforters without responding. Eliza walked into the room and announced. "I have informed Kristen, and she is fine with it,"

She made her way toward us and ran a hand through Aiden's hair. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow at her uncomfortable face. "I asked her if she wanted a pacifier because she kept sucking on her thumb," I whispered, surely Aiden could hear but pretended not to.

"I had brought some with me for you, I will get you one...if you want," She groaned and shook her head. "I will be back," She said and went out of the room. "Do you want to watch something?"

"Ya..." she responded from underneath her covers. I turned on the television and said "How are you going to watch? Your vision is blocked through these," She pulled her head out. I was shifting through the movies when the inside out caught my attention. I loved it when I was a little girl, Aiden would love it too. 

I pointed to the movie  "Do you want to watch this one?" She pouted and nodded. I got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder, her head fell onto my shoulder as I clicked on the movie.

Her thumb eventually made its way back into her mouth. Aiden's focus was on the movie when Eliza came into the room. When she came closer I saw a pacifier in her hand. She got seated beside Aiden and grabbed her hand slowly.

Aiden looked up at her in confusion. She lifted the cap off the paci and brought it closer to her mouth. "You want to suck on this instead, baby," She asked. Aiden didn't respond which gave out the answer. If she didn't want it, the paci would have been murdered by now.

Eliza took it as a sign and pushed the pacifier into her mouth. Aiden took it in without any complaints but I could see she was embarrassed because of it. "Hmm, Inside out?" She asked as she got under the comforters.

"Yeah..."I told as I watched Aiden's uncomfortable and nervous face disappear and felt the tension in her body start to ease as she sucked on the pacifier. She pulled up her covers to hide the pacifier she is sucking on.

I felt the urge to tell her that there was nothing to be ashamed but pointing it out would not make it any better instead she would probably throw the pacifier away. I know, she finds accepting her little self hard but I am also relieved that she had atleast taken mini steps into her headspace.

My eyes agifted toward Eliza who was staring at Aiden with adoration in her eyes. I smiled and whispered "Don't stare too much if she noticed she would feel embarrassed and stop using the pacifier,"

She moved her gaze up to me and said "She is too busy to notice," She pointed to the screen that Aiden was intensely staring at. "I knew, she would love it,"

She didn't even watch halfway through the movie before she fell asleep. It was not that she found the movie boring, she didn't have a proper sleep because she was scared some monster would hurt her but now that she was cuddled in between her caregivers, she felt safe and protected.

I turned off the movie as Eliza said "Let's not leave her alone so she doesn't get scared," I nodded and pulled her down so she could lay down instead.

We both lay down beside her after a while of sitting. Eliza gently brushed her wet hair off her forehead as she watched her sleep. Adoringly, she watched the little one suck on the pacifier, content and peaceful.

"What if she never accepted herself as a little?" I asked out of nowhere. Eliza looked up at me with confusion. "I thought we had gone past the line where she hated her little side but you saw how embarrassed she got after accepting the pacifier,"

"She has progressed a lot, you see, she has started slipping more often, she even welcomed the pacifier, she brought toys and she lets us bathe, feed and cuddle her, It won't be much longer for her to not be ashamed of her headspace," She assured.

"What if she never did, she just stayed in her little bubble of being ashamed of all the little activities she did?" I exclaimed. "And hell, she hasn't even tried anything from her pet side,"

"She will, trust me, her ego is the only thing in her way, the more she would explore her little side the more fond she would become of it," She responded.

"None of us are classified as mistresses, We aren't specialized in puppies dealing stuff but don't worry, I will do something about it as well," She squeezed my hand. I kissed the top of Aiden's head. "Thanks,"

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