Chapter 48. Making Up

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Aiden's pov

I sighed in relief after Mom finally loosened up the collar button that was making it hard for me to breathe. "Happy?" I nodded with a smile. "Now, time to finish your breakfast so we can leave," She caressed my cheek.

I was eating the omelet she was feeding me when someone smacked my hand from the back. Fucking Angel.  My wolf growled, I whined and pushed my hand away. She took a seat beside me and asked. "What are you doing at home?"

"None of your business," I snarled.

"Someone's cranky," She ruffled my hair. I jerked my head away and put my hand up. "Mom!" I groaned. "Angel," She warned, pulling my chair away from hers. "You know she doesn't like it,"

"She'll have to suck it up," She grabbed an apple. "I won't act in accordance with her,"

I snorted. "You should be grateful that I let you live,"

She clenched at that before forcing out a sly smile. "You really think I'm alive because of you?"

"Yeah, you're alive at my mercy," I cocked my head to the side with a smirk. "Stings, doesn't it?"

She rolled her eyes and took a bite of her apple. "Let me tell you something more stingy,"

"Okay, that's enough," Mom said while taking my chin in her hand and making me turn away from Angel.

"Claire's dead," I fucking knew something was fishy! My wolf flared with anger. My eyebrows furrowed and I turned my head back to her. "Yeah, that's right, no one cares you're the alpha, you're still a baby whose opinion doesn't matter to anyone," She mocked.

"Angel!" Mom shouted before holding my hand. "Let's go, we've to-"

I bit my inner cheek and glared at her. "Is it true?"

"Aiden, we've-"

"Is it fucking true?!" I growled.

"Yes! yes," She sighed deeply.

"Told ya," I let a soft groan and turned my hand into a fist before landing it across her face. Her head jerked to the side, she was stunned by it but it didn't stop her from raising her hand to push me. "Girls, no!" My mom held my back and arm to save me from falling.

I pushed her hand away and Angel yanked me by the collar, forcing me up. "That's your Mom, you don't push your Mom," I felt Mom's hand on my shoulder and she put her hand over Angel's and said. "That's enough, Angel, let go of her,"

"Seriously mom? She tried to push you," I tried to get her grip off me and scoffed "Since when did you care about mom?"

She twisted my hand and her other hand moved up to my neck, shoving me down on the floor. I gritted my teeth and kicked her leg. She pinned me down and slapped me across the face and started pushing my face further into the floor.

I groaned and tried to fight back but she was too strong. Let's shift, you'll be able to fight her. Are you crazy? Her wolf is so big, We'd be dead within seconds.

I whined and covered my face before her fist landed on my face and to my surprise she stopped. I took this opportunity and rose to hit. She grabbed my arm and slammed me down. "Ow!" I whimpered.

"ANGEL I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" Angel rolled her eyes and let go of me. Mom helped me up to my feet and took me away from Angel. She lead up to her mom and cupped my cheek. I pushed her hand away and said "Why did you kill her when I asked for her to not be killed?"

"I wasn't planning on doing it, Eliza and Ruby suggested and we just went with it,"

"I'm the Alpha not them!" I complained. "You should've listened to me!"

She pulled me into a hug and rubbed the back of my neck. "It's okay baby, Claire's bad, is she not?"

"But I'm the Alpha and-"

"Shh, listen to me first, okay," I nodded with a sigh, my face still annoyed.

"If we let Claire go, she'd have tried to harm you again, right?" I softly growled into her neck, feeling a lot calmer by her soothing voice and rubs but pulled away and sat down on the bed. "I'm not mad because Claire died, I'm mad that y'all killed her even after I said no because of Ruby and Eliza, they aren't even part of the pact,"

"Ruby's your mate, the Luna of the pack, Eliza's your caregiver, you can't say that about them,"

"Still not the Alpha," I pouted as tears started streaming down my face. "Hey..." She started wiping away my tears and took a place beside me. "You w-want me to act like an Alpha but when I make a decision you people go against it!" I sobbed.

I put my head in her lap and she rubbed my back softly. "It's okay,"

"Can I come in?" The voice immediately triggered my anger and I spat. "No!" My mom held me closer and even though I said no, I could still hear their footsteps coming closer until they came close enough to stop.

A felt a hand on my head and Eliza said, "I’m so sorry but baby she was dangerous, we couldn't let her go," Ruby joined in, adding, "I’m so sorry too." I pushed away from their hold.

"What can we do to make it up to you?" I managed to stop my sobs and rolled out of my mom's lap and started up to them. "Stop interfering in my matters, I decide" They looked at each other and then at me.

"We'll not go behind your back but we'll advise you when you're wrong and you'll listen to us, sounds good?" Eliza suggested. I shook my head and wiped the wet spot on my cheek.

Ruby grabbed a tissue and bent down to wipe the tears away. "You want to wash your face?" She asked and I shook my head again in response. "Okay, let's go," She picked me up and carried me to my room. I didn't because... I don't know just didn't feel like it.

I lay silently on Eliza's lap in the bed with my head buried in her neck. Ruby was sitting beside us, I could feel her hand on my back. After a while, she pulled me so I was facing her but I didn't look at her. "Still angry?" She inquired. Duh! I didn't bother giving a response to that and Ruby spoke. "How about we take you to the toy store to make it up to you?" Yes!

I thought about it. Should I let go so easily? Yes for toy store you should! Hmm, that seems good. "Whatever, I'll buy as much as I want," I made sure to make that point clear, they don't get to limit it, they're trying to make it up to me, after all.

"Very well, then let's go," Ruby lifted me off Eliza's lap.

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