Chapter 10. Care

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Above is Aiden👆

Aiden pov

I woke up with a severe headache, I moved to sit up but it ached my body. "keep laying" I felt a hand on my chest. I lay down and rubbed my head. Are you okay wolf? Yeah, I am good now, when you get well we will teach that bitch a good lesson.

How did I get here? I looked at Eliza and said "I am mad at you," she smiled and turned over. "I know and I am sorry," She tried to touch my cheek "No, you do not know what Claire did,"

"I know and I have dealt with her," "How?" She took off the covers "I will tell you when you get well," she took off to the washroom. I was naked, I was only wearing a bra and panties, rest of my body was covered with gauze and bandages.

I took the covers off myself and painfully got off the bed. I dragged myself towards the closet and took a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from it. I dragged myself back towards the bed and groaned. Eliza came out of the washroom and said "What is wrong baby?"

"Nothing," I mumble and sat up. She put her towel on the chair and looked down. "Umm, can you..can you, like help in getting..clothed.." She came to me. "Of course, sweetheart," I only asked because I wasn't capable of doing it myself this time.

She took the shorts and I put my legs in both holes and she lifted them up to my hips. "I will get you a shirt instead, it'll hurt to lift your hands," She brought a shirt from the closet and got it on me. Eliza helped me up on the bed and just as she put comforters on me, there was a knock on the door.

Eliza opened the door and a maid was standing there with food. Eliza took it from her and sent her away. "Food time," She set the plate on her lap. She picked a spoon full of yogurt and put it in front of my mouth.

I stared at her and the spoon. It is okay, Eat it Aiden, when people are sick they get fed by others, that doesn't make us a baby. Yeah you are right. I opened my mouth and took it in. "Is it good?" I hummed and swallowed another spoonful of yogurt.

I ate as much as I could. "I am full," I said with my mouth full of egg. "One last," "No, no" I whined. She brought the spoon to my mouth and said "Just one, please" I shook my head and pushed the spoon away. She put the plate down on the table and wiped my mouth. "Good girl, now, lay down and rest,"

She went and got herself a book and sat down beside me on the bed. I was laying on the bed getting bored as she was reading. Time passed by and I closed my eyes to fall asleep.

The door opened and fake bitch and a boy came in running and hugged Eliza. "Shh, Jack, Emily, baby is hurt," "hey, don't call me baby, I..." An intoxicating smell hit my nose, I turned and saw a tall blonde woman coming through the door.

"So sorry, they insisted to be with you, I said no so they ran off to you," "It is okay, Ruby," Ruby nice name. Very nice name. She looked at me and smiled, showing her perfect teeth. "And how are you Aiden?" I cleared my throat. "Good," She hummed and turned her attention back to the other two.

"Let's go, sweethearts, she needs to rest," "It is fine, they can stay here," Eliza said. I glared at her "No, they are not going to stay here!" "Aiden...." She spoke softly. "I will take them," Ruby said. "Yes! thank you" I grinned. "I can..." "You take care of her for now," She took their hands and pulled them out of the room.

"I am bored," I said to her. "Let me read you a story," "No, it is for babies," I groaned. "I am reading a book too, am I a baby?" She responded. "No, but...yeah, Fine, read me a story," I agreed, she is right. She took a book and started reading it as she rubbed my head. I felt all fuzzy, cozy, and tingly because of the book? Her touch? I do not know.

I got closer and nuzzled into her. "Anything wrong?" I shook my head, and she rubbed my back and pulled me into her lap. The tinglings increased. "The end..." she breath out. "Are you feeling better?"

"Betta," I mumbled."huh?..." She picked my head up and asked. "Feeling soft?" "Vary choft..." She pulled me on top of her and kissed my cheek. I put my head on her shoulder.

She patted my back, I hissed at the pain. "Sorry.." she moved her hand up to my head. "Sleep?" I nodded in the crook of her neck. She slowly bounced me up and down and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was still in her arms. I looked around and saw the time. We still have enough time, go back to see. My wolf yawned.

"Kay" I mumbled out loud and Eliza woke up. "Shh, go to sleep..." she patted my head. I nuzzled into her and smiled at her warmth. "Kay..."

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