chapter 28. miserable

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Ruby's Pov

I was hurt, severely hurt by the fact that Aiden called me mommy just so I stayed here with her but then seeing the sincerity on her face, I realized, She didn't she's way too innocent for that. I am still confused as to why she called me mommy in the first place if she wasn't comfortable with it.

Aiden was laying on my arm and fiddling with my top and sucking her thumb. Eliza leaving made her go into a deep silent mode. It has barely been three days and she's miserable. She has done nothing but lay in bed and stared into spaces. I had to tease her for her to talk but that gets her frustrated and tensed and she ends up crying so I can't do that either.

I had talked to Eliza and asked about how everything is going on over there. She said everything was good and everyone was happy for me and Aiden or more like everyone was happy that the two black sheep had left.

Jack and Emily were pretty happy to see her back. She had been spending most of her time with them after returning. Everything was good there but if you talk about it here, everything was in chaos. Kristen has been trying to get Aiden out of bed so she could start acting as the Alpha.

Claire and Angel's punishment hasn't been discussed and they are still captured in the dungeon Because our dear Little Alpha is never in the mood to get out. Our Relationship is stuck in the middle of nowhere. I know we have barely started dating but we have to make progress.

I kissed her forehead and grabbed her hands that were on my chest. "We need to talk," "nu," She turned her back on me. I cuddled her in and whispered. "We do need to discuss a few things about our relation, hon,"

She remained silent so I continued "I know you are comfortable in being a little and you're trying so I want to know what little stuff are you okay with," She didn't respond again.

"How do you feel about pacis and bottles?" She shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep. A smile formed on my lips and I said "fine, don't talk, atleast nod or shake your head," "Pacis?" She didn't do anything. "So No pacifiers, bottles?" No response.

I sighed and pulled away from her. I took a paper and wrote all the stuff and left a place for her to mark. I handed it to her. "Can you mark atleast?" I pleaded. She sat up and stared at the paper."don't feel pressured to select the one you didn't like," I gave her the pen and sat beside her. she looked at me and pouted. "I will mark and give, you go away,"

I chuckled and moved away. I watched as she intensely stared at the paper and chewed on the back of the pen. After a full half an hour of intense staring, she marked them all in one go and give it to me. I smiled and looked at the paper. I frowned at what I saw she had declined everything.

"Aiden, what is this?" "My response," she said bluntly. "You can't be like this, sweet girl," she shrugged. I didn't argue with her, I knew I first had to get her out of her misery. I didn't know how but there is one person who can tell me how. I pulled out my phone and texted Eliza.

Ruby: Hey, I want your help.

She hadn't seen that yet. I went out to get Aiden some food. I saw Kristen in the Kitchen. "Hey, there, you need anything," "Yeah, I wanted to get food for Aiden," she chuckled "Ahh, I just made cheese puffs for her, she has always loved them, she would never say no to cheese puffs,"

"Thank you, I will take these others," I grabbed the plate and was going up when she said "Ruby, wait," I turned around and she said "Can you convince her to not neglect her duties, she is the alpha now, she has to lead our pack, our gang,"

"Umm, she has been through a lot and Eliza is gone too which is affecting her badly," "I understand that but people won't they would eventually start questioning her abilities," I nodded and went up. She followed me and went up.

Kristen went to Aiden and tapped her head. Aiden looked up and then buried her head in the pillows again. "I brought something for you," "nu wan'," She mewled. "Sure? Ruby, you can eat these yummy cheese puffs, or no, I should she these with angel," "It looks so delicious, I and Angel should share it,"

"Or maybe, you could share it with me," Harper walked in. I smiled and welcomed her in. Aiden peeked with one eye. "Great timing Harper, You would have missed eating these," I offered it to her. She picked one up "Don't actually watch it," She pouted "I wasn't going to,"

I picked up the cheese puff and moved it to my mouth."wan'," She mumbled. "What, We didn't hear you?" "Wan dat!" She said louder. "You don't want?" "Nu want, wan', wan'!" She stood up and took the plate from my hand.

"gimme," She put her hand before Harper. "What would I get in exchange?" "Shit!" "Aiden, that is so rude," I scolded. She groaned "fine, you will get whatever you want," "I want to play with you," "Otay, gimme dat," Aiden pulled the puff from her hand.

My phone buzzed. I looked for it and it buzzed again. I picked it up and saw Eliza texting back.

Eliza: Everything good?

Eliza: should we all come there to get you?

Another text appeared

Eliza: Is Aiden okay? Did claire or Angek try to harm her again?

I immediately texted back before she start making any scenario.

Ruby: We are both safe and sound. It is just that Aiden is miserable without you, she still has a want for you, you were her first caregiver, she feels empty without you, and she has barely eaten, showered, and got out of bed.

I had seen it but hadn't responded. I stared at the screen, waiting for her response for a few minutes. I texted again.

Ruby: I don't know what to do with her, maybe a little advice could help.

I tapped on the screen and waited patiently. I saw Aiden messing her face with the puff and fighting Harper for it. She was still silent but atleast she was active. Harper could help with Aiden. Eliza FaceTime me.

I picked it up and said "Hi, Eliza," Aiden stopped her movement and looked at me. "Hi, where's Aiden?" I went and sat beside Aiden. "Aiden says hi," Aiden stated at the screen blankly. "Hi, Sweetie," Aiden hid her face in my neck and hugged me tight.

"Did you miss me?" Aiden clenched my dress and started crying. "Aww, baby," I said and pulled her face up my neck and wiped her tears. I cupped her face and shushed. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. I looked at my screen and the FaceTime had ended.

We all collectively concentrated on calming her down. Kristen had taken her from me and Harper was trying to make her laugh. I saw a notification pop up.

Eliza: I am coming.

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