Chapter 9. Bandaging and slip

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Eliza pov

I was trying to put lack and Emily to sleep. A part of me was worried and wanted to get Aiden back but I can not, it was not my decision. After the fight, we had a meeting and I was forced to give her to Claire for tonight. Any physical punishment except spanking is not allowed, and I feel like spanking her the whole night is not correct but I know Claire, she is not going to be too harsh.

"Mommy," Jack said as he woke up from his sleep. "yes, baby" I went to him. "Milk," He whined. "right there, I'll get you a bottle," He cried and said "Your milk," I had stopped taking vacation milk when I gave them to Claire, and Aiden is not even ready to slip, breastfeeding would be too far for her "I don't have milk anymore,"

He started crying more, I tried to silence him before he woke up Emily. At least he can nurse, I removed my top and let him latch on. He cried loudly when he realized there is no milk. Emily woke up and ribbed her eyes. "Mommy?" "Yes, baby, go to sleep," She nuzzled into me and said. "I have to tell you something," I hummed and let her continue. "New mommy asked us to start a fight with your new baby," I lifted her hurriedly "What? Why?!"

She didn't say anything and looked down. "Emily!" I said and she didn't respond. I got my top on and laid Jack who was asleep on the bed. I knocked on Claire's door, but she didn't open the door. I knocked harshly again and yelled, "Claire open the door!" I knocked multiple times but she didn't even respond. At last, I decided to break it, I bumped it with my shoulder and it opened.

There was darkness in the room, I couldn't see anything. I carefully made my way to her bed, I could only see one person on it. "Aiden? Claire?" The lamps turned on and I saw Claire on the bed. "Where is Aiden?" She opened her eyes and laid back down. "Claire,  I am asking something!" I said louder. "Where she should be," she said and pointed to the corner.

I saw Aiden laying on the ground, tied with chains on her hands and feet. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled in anger and ran to Aiden, the closer I got the more my anger increased at what I saw. I snapped my head towards her and screamed "what did you do to her," She sat up and smirked. "Punished her," I clenched my jaw, went to her, and slapped her across the face.

She touched her face and glared at me. "She is fucking covered in blood!" "Mommy..." Emily and Jack were standing at the door. I glared at her and went to Aiden. I pulled her into my lap. "Aiden, wake up," I picked her up and brought her to our room. I laid her on our bed and called the maids to get meds and a first aid kit for her.

While they treated her wounds, I woke everyone up and asked them to be in the meeting room. "I want claire out of this place, now!" I said. "Why?" "She brutally beat a little, my little," "That wolf must have attached her first," Isabella said

"She did not do anything of that sort, Claire had her chained up and brutally hit her," They looked at each other and one said "What claire did was wrong but, it would be unfair to kick claire out because of the wolf who has also done wrong thing,"

"Aiden might have done wrong things but that had not severely harmed anyone," Ruby said. "I am not here to have a debate over whether Aiden is a good person or not. What Claire did to her was absolutely wrong and according to our rule, she should be kicked out," I said.

"But-" "No argument!" I yelled and walked out. I went to the room and saw Aiden laying on the bed still untreated. "Why haven't you started treating her wounds?" "She won't let us" One of the maids replied. "She is up? Aiden..." I said softly and got knocked bed with her. Her eyes flickered softly as she looked at me with teary eyes.

I kissed her forehead and said "It is okay baby," I grabbed the cotton from the maid's hand and started dressing the wounds. She whined and said "suppit...pwease," My heart flattered. She is baby talking...she has slipped. I pulled her closer and said "It will hurt in a while, shh" I soothed. She whimpered as she felt the sanitizer over her wounds. She grabbed my hand and I rubbed it.

I finished bandaging her and tucked her into bed. She started crying, I put my hand on her head and said "What's wrong honey?" "..urts" She sobbed out. I sat down and patted her, she fell asleep while crying.

I turned off the light and went to deal with Claire. She is going to regret laying her hands on my baby.

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