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Dear diary

I just feel so depressed lately and I don't even know why. Maybe it's because I don't have friends. Maybe it's because I'm not pretty or skinny. Maybe because I don't know what the fuck I want to do with my life.

I always try to do my best but I always feel as if that's not good enough.

I feel the need to try to be someone I'm not.

I'm trying to lose weight but I'm too much of a lazy ass.

It was Easter yesterday, so I got lots of chocolates. They're all in a box on the opposite side of the room. Looking at me, tempting me. I want to eat them so badly but what good will that do?

I picked up a piece of the creamy goodness but at the last minute I looked away from it and threw it against the wall. But you know what? I'm 100% sure that I'll go back for it later. I don't have enough self-control.

I just feel so weak. As if I'm all alone at sea, nowhere near the shore. Alone. Just me and my depressing thoughts.


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