Why the sea's water it's salty?

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At the night
Name P.O.V.
I put the kids on their beds for sleep.
I cover them all with blankets and kiss their forehead. "Good night kids." I smile and go to leave.
"(F/n)?" Baby 5 asks with puppy face.
"Yes Baby 5." I turn to see her.
"Can you tell us a story?" She asks.
"Yeah! A story!" Baffulo says happy but Law mumbles.
"Just go to sleep!" He turns his back.
I go and sit on Law's bed and pet his head.
"Law your friends want to hear a story. I can understand you want to sleep but maybe you will like the story."
The little boy blush and soften. He sits up on his bed. "Okay. I am listening." Law smiles.
Baby 5 stands up from her bed and sits on my lap. After Baffulo comes and sits next to me.
"Okay let's think what story i should tell you." I am thinking different stories and try to find one which all will like. I got it!
"Kids do you want to learn why the sea's water it's salty?" I asks them.

Corasan/Rosinante P.O.V.
I am walking to hall and see the kid's door open. I notice all the kids are around of the new nany (f/n).
I feel very bad because she burned her hands to help me today.... i see her smile and blush again. She is so beautiful and weirdly Law acts nice around her. Usually Law is mean with the others but with (f/n)....
I lean on the door and watch them.
"Kids do you want to learn why the sea's water it's salty?" She asks them with smile.
"Yay! We don't know that story!" Baby 5 and Baffulo acts and Law simply smile.
"Once upon a time before a lot of years from now in a small island was living a poor man with his family."
She is telling the story.
"Oh come on i want action." Law mumbles.
(F/n) notices me and smile. "Corasan! Do you want to listen the story?"
Law yells. "No. I will kill him."
"Law please don't be mean with Corasan. He is so cute and kind." She says and blushes. I blush too. She finds me cute and kind but she is.
"Corasan? (F/n)? You two? Eeeeu!" They all act and make a grimance.
"Oi! Do you want to hear a story or not?" She is trying to hide her blush.
"We want!"
"Then stop the comments. Corasan will you sit with us?" She asks and i go and sit on the edge of the bed with them.
"Okay i am continue. One day the poor man went fishing because they didn't had anything to eat. He was waiting and waiting a lot of hours but he didn't catch anything. After the fishing bow starts to moving and something pulls it down. The man got happy and quickly pulls it up but... he got sad when he saw a little goldfish."
"A goldfish?" Baby 5 gives her a query look. (F/n) nods. I am just looking at her, resting my chin on my palm and smiling. I want to know her better and maybe she can help and the kids when they grow up do not become pirates but normal citizens. I think the kids like (f/n) a lot and she has a kind heart.
"Goldfish? I don't like that story." Law crosses his arms.
"Law. Do you want to tell the story?" She gives him a playfull look. Law nods negative.
She continues. "The goldfish suddenly started to talk. Please don't eat me. I am a small fish, you can't stop your hanger if you eat me. Please let me free. The fish beged. The man got surprised because it can talk. I will. But my family is too hungry. The man said and threw the goldfish back to the water. The little fish said. Thank you! Please wait! I want to give you something. And the little fish dive in the sea. The man didn't had something to lose and he was waiting the fish to come back."
"I am sure the fish will not come back." Law comments.
"No. It will!" Baby 5 shouts.
"No it not." Law yells.
Baby 5 puts out her tongue.
"Kids! Stop fighting!" (F/n) cuts them.
"That was not right. Please say to each other i am sorry." She tells them.
"But she starts!"
"No you start!"
They glare and (f/n) tells them.
"I don't care who is start this but i know for a fight always need two or more. Kids we have to be a team. We all stay in the same place." She hugs them and the kids relax.
"I'm so sorry Law." The little girl says lowly.
"I am sorry to." Law says.
How did she do that? This woman has something special which i will discover. In three days it's valentain's day. I will ask her if she wants to be my valentain. I blush in the idea. I have to stop blushing.
"Okay and i continue the goldfish comes back with a box and give it to the man. Because you show mercy and you have a kind heart i will give you this magic box. The goldfish said and the man had questionmarks on his head. When you say magic? The fish anwser him. When you will say the magic words the box will give what you ask and it will stop when you say others magic words. The goldfish explaned. The words to start to give is ... magic little box with miracles please give me... and say what you need and it will stop when you will say .... magic little box with miracles thank you for your fabulous gift. Do you understand? The man noded and went back to his home. He didn't belive it a lot but he tried. Magic little box with miracles please give me fruits and the box started to pop out fruits. When they became a lot the man say magic little box with miracles thank you for your fabulous gift. And it stoped. Then his life became much better and his family weren't hungry anymore. A rumor started on the island about the magic box and one day a very rich man came and asked to buy it because he was greedy. The man didn't want to give it but then the rich man gave him a lot of money and a new big house to live with his family and accepted."
"What happened next?"
"The rich man was on a cruise and his food did not have salt. Then he said the magic words Magic little box with miracles please give me salt and magicly the box started to put out salt. When he had enough said magic little box with miracles thank you for your gift. But the box don't stop. Eee... maybe it was magic little box with miracles thank you for your wonderful gift. The box didn't stop. I don't remember the right words. He freaked out and the box continued to give salt and after hours the ship sinks and the box stayed on the deep ocean and still put out salt in the sea. The end."
"For this reason the sea it's salty!" Baby 5 chuckles.
"That means the box is still on the ocean and put out salt." Baffulo says.
(F/n) giggles and i blush. "Kids i think now it's time to sleep." She smiles to them.
"But i don't..."
"No. Little missy tommorrow we need to be have power to play games and tell stories." She takes in her hug the little girl and puts it on her bed.
"Good night Baby 5, Baffulo and Law." She covers them all and kisses their head.
"Good night (f/n). Good night Corasan." They say and me and (f/n) go out of the room and close the door.
(F/n) yawns. "Good night Corasan."
Good night (f/n) I write on the note-pad and smile to her a little. She smiles back and walks to her room. "Sweet dreams." She says and close her room's door.
"Sweet dreams (f/n)." I whisper slowly.

Author note: I hope you like my stories. I want to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting in all of my stories. I love you all and i don't care how you look like or from where are you from. Who ever are you i am sure you are a special one. ♥♥♥
The story which the reader say to the kids in this chapter was a story which my father was telling me when i was a kid. I hope you like it ♥

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