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Luna P.O.V.
I am with my brother and Law and we are sitting on a bench. All of us are too worry for miss (f/n), espacially Law. I know how difficult is to lose your mother...
"Luna, do you think that nice lady is alright?" Chris asks.
I pat his head and smile to him. "I am sure her friend will save her."
He smiles back soflty.
Law isn't saying a word... he is looking down to the ground.
"Law. Don't worry... they will come back." I tell him. He doesn't respon.
"Luna!" My little brother pulls down a little my t-shirt.
"Not now Chris..." I tell him. I want to help Law to feel a little better.
"Luna!!! You have to see that! Uncle Jack is here and he is driving a carriage."
"We have talked about that... maybe it's your imagination."
"But look!!! I am not dreaming this time!"

Law P.O.V.
I lift my gaze and see the carriage and Luna rolles her eyes and see.
But after her eyes open wide and runs to the carriage with her brother and yell. "Uncle Jack!!!"
The man stops the carriage and run to them.
"Luna! Chris!" He hugs them and closes his eyes.
"We miss you so much."
The door of the carriage opens and a second man comes out.
The girl and the boy look at him and cry. "Dad!!!"
Their dad's tears are falling and holds them in a tight hug.
"My kids! Thanks goodness, you are alive.... I--I can't believe it... my little kids are here."
"We love you, dad." All of them cry.
I look down. I am happy for them but... I am a little jealous... where is my family? Where is (f/n) and Corazon? I want to see them again. I want them here... here on my side.
"Law!" I hear a female voice.
I look and my eyes are watering. "Mum!" And i run on her.
She falls on her knees and open her hug with tears and smile.
I attack her with a hug and she hugs me tigh.
"I was so scared... so scared. Law... my son." She is crying and I cry too. "Mum, don't leave me again. I love you, mum."
"I promise. Never. I will always be here for you." and she kisses the top of my head.
Corazon comes next to us and knees too. I notice the bandages on his body.
"Corazon... what happened to you?" I can't control my tears.
He gives me a thumb up, a big smile and hugs us.
Mum leans and pets me. She notices something. "Your sighs grow to your face..." she pulls me on a hug again.
"We will do everything to find a cure. We promise you, Corasan and I. My son."
I am so happy and I can't stop crying. (F/n) counts me as her son like I count her as my mum.
I had hear that words from..... doesn't matter. Now I have a mum and she has a son.
I am her son...

Sorry that was a small part. I hope you will like it.
The next part will be a lemon like you vote!
I love you all.
Thanks againg for reading, voting and commenting.
Please enjoy!

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