You must tell her the truth

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Name P.O.V.
Someone opens the door slowy. After i see a small head to pop out of the door. The little boy whispers.
"Are you sleeping?"
"No. You can come Law." I smile to my little boy. I feel him very close to me.
"I bring you tea to drink." He gives me the cup and he looks at me worridly.
"Thank you Law. You are so cute."
"I told you i'm not cute!!!" He glares.
I laugh a little and sneeze. "Aaa chou!"
"Bless you."
I take a tissue and clean my nose. "Thank you Law. Tell me you want me something or you will go to sleep. It's late."
Law sits next to me on the bed and looks at me.
"When will you become healthy again?"
"I don't know but the doctor said it's nothing to worry about."
"Okay. I have a second question."
He smirks.
"Tell me Law."
"When you---.."
The boy stops talk when Corasan enter the room with my dinner and the medicine.
"Hi Corasan." I smile to him. Corasan smiles back and leaves the tray on the table. He shows me a note. How do you feel?
"Much better. Especially now which i have two men to take care me." I chuckle.
The blond man and the raven hair boy blush. I understand i make them to feel uncomfortable and change the subject.
"Eee... boys. Did any one have see my ribbon? I think i lost it and it was my favourite."
Both of them nod negative. Corasan sits on the chair and takes on his hands the plate with the soup but .... by accident he spills on three of us the soup.
"Corazon!!!" Law yells mad. Corasan ignores the kid and gives me an apologetic look and takes one tissue and sweeps the soup of my face.
"Corasan it's okay." I blush when he touches me.
"You are so clumsy idiot!" Law glares but Corasan doesn't hear him. His blue eyes meet mine (e/c) orbs and both of us get lost.
After i say to Law but still continue to look deeply in Corasan's eyes.
"Law, don't be mean with him. He only wants to help."
I pet Corasan's cheek with hesitation and we smile softly to each other.
We break apart when Law yells loud. "What is happening between you???"
We blush more and i try to change the subject again.
"Law before Corasan came you wanted me to ask me something. What is it?" I glance to Law.
The boy looks first me and after Corasan. I notice a small smirk.
"Leave it. Good night." He hugs me and i hug him back.
"Good night Law." After the boy hugs and Corasan quick and runs out of the room. I give to the blond man a glance full of question.
"I was thinking Law didn't like you."
He just smiles to me and continue to sweep to soup of me.
"Corasan you are so nice. I promise when i will feel better i will return you the favor."
He is writting on the note-pad. No need.
"But i want to do something good for you. You are taking care of me a lot." I mummur.
He stands up and writes. I am going to bring you something else to eat.
"Thank you very much!" I chuckle.
Before he leaves he puts his palm on my temple. "Don't worry i don't have a fever."

Time skip-The morning
Corazon P.O.V.
"Law wake up." I shake his shoulder. The boy rubs his eyes and sits up. "Why are you waking me up? And why are you talking? Did you want them to understand you?"
"No one is listening. Stand up we are going on the market." I whisper.
"Why?" Law mumbles.
"I want to buy a new ribbon for (f/n) because she lost her favourite one." I explain. Law stands up and dress up very fast. "If it's for (f/n) let's go."
He climbs on my shoulders and we are walking to the market.
"Corazon?" He says and plays with my skull cap.
"Yes, Law." I smile.
"When you and (f/n) will get married?" He looks upside down me by leaning.
I blink and don't awnser. Married her? How did that idea come to his mind? It's to early to talk about that. We do not even dating.
"Now you will not talk even to me? You must tell her the truth if you want her in your life."

Name P.O.V.
Knock knock
"It's open." I say and the door opens.
"Good morning Natasa." I say.
"Good morning. How do you fell? I heard you are sick." She asks worried.
"I am better. Thanks for asking." I smile. She smiles back and tells.
"In that case i have your dress." She leaves it on the chair.
"Thanks a lot but i don't know if tomorrow i will be better to go on the party."
"Don't worry if you lose it. You must take care your health."
I lean and rest my cheeks on my palm and take a deep breathe. "I don't want to lose."
Natasa sits on the edge of the bed and smile. "In the party will come the man who you like? I'm sure if you don't meet him here you will meet his soon. There is no reason to get disappoint."
"No. I am watching him everyday and he took a very good care of me those days. He fed me, made sure i drunk my medicine and kept me company." I tell her.
She winks. "(F/n) that's great! That mean he must feels something for you."
"I hope but not sure."
"Who is he? He must be someone from the castle." She asks me.
"Promise me you are not gonna tell that to no one. Okay?"
"Yes ma'm."
I laugh with her awnser. After i blush and whisper in her ear. "It's Corasan."
She blinks. "Young master's younger brother?" I nod.
She attacks me with a hug. "I am so happy for you! He is very kind."
"Natasa. I can't breathe."

Corasan P.O.V.
We enter the shop with different accesories for women. One lady comes and asks us kindly. "How can i help you?"
Law talks because now i can't talk we are in public. "We want a ribbon for his girlfriend." He pats my top of the head. I blush. So awkard! Law i will show you when we will be alone.

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