Thank you

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??? P.O.V.
We have stop to rest for the night. I am waiting them to fall asleep. The one have alreay fast asleep and the other is drinking a booze.
"Hehe~ what a pitty. That woman is really gorgeous." He gulps the booze down.
"I feel awful for that which we are doing. How we end up like that? We weren't like that before three years." I wonder and look the sky i hope my kids are fine up there and don't feel shame for their father.
"To tell the true i don't know. I am feeling sorry for that woman but we don't have another choose."
I lay on the grass and close my eyes.
"Hey Michael. I know how do you feel but.."
I cut him and sit up again. "No, Jack! This is no right! Before three years i lost my kids and... what am i doing now?!!? I am destroying another family!" I give him a angry look.
"Hey relax brother... I loved my nephews like my kids." My brother tells me.
"My little Luna and my little Chris... they left so young..." I am trying to hold back my tears. My children... my sweet kids who were making me so proud and happy. I still remember their laughs...
Jack breaks. "We can't do that..." tears is slipping from his eyes.
"My little nephews... they left so unfair... we can't do that... we have to let that woman free to go back to her son..."
"I was thinking the same." I cry to in my kids memory.
We sweep away our tears and my brother asks me. "What we will do with Bob? If he learn that we want to let her free he will do everything to stop us. He is carring only for money."
I smirk. "He is sleeping in the carriage listen what we will do..."
I lean and whisper my plan on his ear.
He smiles. "That will work."

Name P.O.V.
I am sitting on the carriage quiet and the man next to me he is sleeping and snoring.
After a while the other two come in tip toes and nod to me and to each other to be quiet.
Suddenly, they attack to the man who is sleeping and try to tied him up. He wakes up and struggles. "What the hell? Jack! Michael! Stop that!!!"
"Don't move!"
"Shut up already!"
"Why are you doing that bastards??!!! You will pay for that!!! I will tell everything to the boss and after---- mhhmm!" They did it... they tied him up and tied a cloth on his mouth but... why?
"We got bored of you and your boss." The one says with a grin.
"Bye Bob." They put him out of the carriege and the one stays with me and the other go outside. The carriege door close and in a few minutes we start moving. The other who went out earlier is driving now.
I look the man who is with me worry and he talks to me with sympathy. "You don't need to worry." He untied the cloth off my mouth. I take a breathe... "What is going on?" I asks him and i tremble from scared.
"My lady we are going you back on Dressrosa back to your son." He smiles and cuts the ropes down.
A huge smile draw in my face and cry from happiness. I am going back to Rocinante and Law! I hug the man. "Thank you! Thank you! I own you my life for that! Thank you! Thank you!" The man gets surprised but after rubs my back and after a while i let him free from my hug. My tears can not stop falling, i can not believe that... i am so so so happy. "But why?"
"I know how awful is to lose your child and my brother, the driver,  loved my kids like his."
"Y-you had kids?" I ask him.
"Yes... two, a girl and a boy. We lost on a battlefield before three years...."
"That's so sad... how were their names?" I pat his shoulder with sympathy.
"Luna and Chris." He says and lower his gaze.
I blink. "Luna??? A girl with brown eyes, long black curls, around in age of ten?"
He blinks too. "How--how do you know that???"
"I---i meet that girl today and i gave her food for her and her little brother."
The man's eyes open wide and grabs tight my shoulder. "Tell me! The boy is name Chris??? With short black hair and age of seven? I need to know! Tell me!!!" His grab become even tighter and he is looking at my eyes and he is waiting an awnser.
"I-i don't know... i don't have meet her brother." I tell him.
"My... my kids... that means... maybe... maybe they are alive. They survive! Thank you!" He hugs me tight and cry. "My kids are alive... my little kids."
"Thank you (f/n) for telling me that!"
"I thank you for giving me my freedom."

Corazon x reader HellfireWhere stories live. Discover now