Little gypsy's prayer

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Luna P.O.V.

After which i help the boy with the hat to get down of the coloum where the tall man with weird make up put him, i run to the old warehouse where I and my brother live. When my little brother see me runs and hugs me. "Luna you did it! You find us food." I give him his apple and his bread and we eat.

"Chris i did not find them. A nice lady gave them to me and she said she will giving us food everyday."

A huge smile grows on his face. "Really? That mean we will not be hungry anymore?"

"Yes she is working on the palace and she told me she was a gypsy too... but now the nice lady is in danger." I say in worry.

"What happened to her?" Chris asks me.

"Some men kidnapped her and now one of her friends go to rescue her." I explain.

"What we can do to help her? She gave us food, she must be a very nice person."

I grab his hand. "What mum always told us we can do when we think we can not do nothing?" I ask him.


"Exactly... let's go to the church." I smile and we run to the church.

Law P.O.V.

Where that girl is running and who is that boy? I follow them and they go to the church. "Hey what are you doing?" I yell.

The girl looks at me. "To pray for ms. (F/n)... you know to be save."

"And you believe this will help her?" I glare angry.

"Well i am just a kid and i can not do anything else for her. The pray is the only thing which i really can do and i have faith to God. He is always helping the people if you ask him kindly." She smiles and go with the boy in the church.

After a while i thing some things and the gypsy girl is right. I can not do anything to help (f/n), the woman who i call mum even if we don't have any blood connection. What those men want from my mom? Why did they kidnapped her? I hope Corazon will find her and bring her back. I am so worry for her... i love you mum. I do not want anything bad will happen to you... i start to cry and i hear the gypsy's voice.

"Please good and generous God. I know i have ask you a lot of favors from when our parents die on the battlefield but i really need your help.

Today i meet a very nice lady, her name is (F/n) and she saved me and gave me food for me and my little brother. I am sure you send her to us and i am thankfull for that....

But ms. (F/n) now is in danger and needs your help. One of her friends is running to save her. Please good and generous God help that nice lady to return back in the place where she belongs... i know i do not have anything else to give you exept from my faith to you.

Please God bless all of us espacially ms. (F/n) she really deserves it."

I cry... all that was very beautifull and i really want mum to be save. Please good and generous God help my mom and all of us...

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