Like a loving mother

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Name P.O.V.
I go to my room and meet a kind woman.
"Hello! You must be the seamstress. I'm (f/n)." I chuckle.
"Hi (f/n). I'm Natasa. Nice to meet you." She chuckled too.
"Me too."
"Okay. Let's mesaure you now."
I come closer and first she mesaures my waist. As long as she is mesauring we have a talk.
"Do you have a valentain dear?" She asks me.
"No." I say simply.
"But you are very beautiful to be lonely."
"Thanks for your kindness but i'm alone."
"There is no one who intrested you?" She asks me and mesaure my boods.
I am thinking Corasan and blush. We came so close today...
Natasa giggles. "There is a lucky man."
"Yes. I like him a lot but i don't know if he feels something for me."
"I'm sure he does and if he doesn't he is losing something very good."
"You are very kind Natasa. Do you have a valentain?"
She smiles. "Yes. We are engaged."
"That's great! When is the ceremony?"
"In three months."
"Wonderful! I wish you the best Natasa."
"Thanks (f/n)."
Law comes in the room. "(F/n)! I found you!" He runs and hugs my legs.
"This is Law." I say and pet him.
"Hi Law. I am Natasa."
"Hi. (F/n) i want cookies. Baby 5 and Baffulo ate them all again." He grumbles.
Natasa finish with the mesaures and i take on my hug the little boy.
"Listen what will we do. We will go to the market together and buy whatever you want to eat. Okay?" I wink.
Law hugs my neck. "Yay! I want cookies!!!"
I giggle and Natasa too.
"So Natasa what kind of dress will you make for me?" I ask her.
"Young Master picked one. Don't worry it will be perfect for you."
Why i did not like the idea of Young Master picked a dress for me?
"Thank you Natasa." I tell her.
"I have to go now. When i will finish the dress i will bring it here."
"Okay. Bye Natasa."
"Bye ms. Natasa." Law says and Natasa leaves.
"Will we go to buy cookies?" He asks me.
I smile to him. "Not if you don't say the magic word."
"Let's go to the bakery!" I chuckle and take my bag and leave down the little Law.
He catches my hand and we are walking out of the palace.
"Law. Do you want to sing something as long as we are walking?"
"I don't like songs."
"Why you are so negative? I love you to much to act to me like that." I tell to the little boy.
He blushes. "Okay. Sing."
Play the video as long as you read
I start to sing and poke his nose.
He makes a grimance but after he laughs.
I spin him around and he joins me to the song.
We are dancing happily and singing.
I do some tricks which i've done in water seven.
I put out of his ear a coin and throw it on the air and he catches it.
He catches his ear and try to understand how i do that.
I chuckle and wink at him and he laughs.
After i show him my empty sleeves,  i turn around and go up on a bench and put out of my sleeve cards. I play a little with them and they disappear.
Law is impressed!
"How do you do that?"
I put out of his head his hat and i wear it and dance with it.
"Hey! That's my hat!"
I wink again and take the hat on my hands.... and foop!
A rabbit comes out of the hat.

??? P.O.V.
"Are you sure she is the gypsy from water seven? She is not looking like a gypsy and a little boy is with her."
I whisper to my patrner.
"I'm sure! She is the one who master wants."
"Are you sure? She doesn't look like a gypsy."
He shows me a photo of the woman who we are looking for. I notice the woman who is singing with the little boy.
"You are right. It is her."
"Let's go to capture her."
I hit his head. "Are you stupid or stupid? We will capture her when she will be alone."
"Okay. We gonna gain a lot of money for that woman." He rubs his head.
The woman is known like hellfire in water seven but now which i am watching her she is looking like a very loving mother.
The kid hugs her and he looks happy.
I am not sure if we have to capture her. Master wants to make her his slave but the boy needs a mum on his side...
They enter the bakery and she buys cookies for the kid...
"I feel it so wrong." I say.
"Look at her. How she is acting for the boy. Did we have a right to break them apart?"
"I know you are sensitive in that issues but if we don't bring that woman to the master we will die."
"Okay. Let's just wait the chance when she will be alone."

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