The dance battle

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Name P.O.V.
"No, Corasan! I don't want that! It's sucks!!!" I yell and Corasan glares and tries to bring the spoon with the medicine on my mouth.
"Corasan. It tastes awful!" I cover my mouth with my hands.
He takes a breathe and after with hesitate sits on the bed next to me.
"I'm not drinking that again." I mummur.
He leans and kisses my cheek softly.
I look at him and blush like crazy. "Corasan..."
He shows me a note. Please.
He gives me a puppy face.
I take a breathe. "Okay." I open my mouth and he gives me the medicine. I gulp it down.
"Aw so awfull." I grumble.
Are you feeling better?
"I am but still i don't know if i go on tomorrow's party. I don't want to lose it." I tell him.
The door opens and three kids comes inside.
"(F/n)!" They all yell and run near my bed.
"How are you?" Baby 5 asks.
"I am much better thanks to you children and Corasan." I smile.
The three kids sits on the bed. "(F/n)? Will you tell us a story?" They are asking with puppy faces. Why i can not say no to puppy faces?
"Of course. What kind of story you want?"
"With pirates!" They chuckle.
"Pirates huh? Let me think...... got it! Once upon a time..."

Time skip-Valentains day at the afternoon
In few hours the party will start. Everyone thinks that i will stay on the bed but ... no, i will not. I feel much better. I will go but i will not dance. I take a bath and after wrap a towel around my body and my hair.
I take the case with my dress let's see how it looks like. I open the case's zipper and take the dress on my hands...... I look at it. A strapless black long dress but... not long from every side. The front part it's too short... whatever i should had imagine that. It's Young Master's choose. On the waist it haves a silver belt with shinning strass. It's kind of pretty. (The dress on the picture. I can not discrabe it perfect.)
I dry my hair, brush them and leave them to fall on my shoulders. After wear my new dress. Wow! It feets so nice. I look myself on the mirror. It shows off my breasts. I hope not many men will look at my breasts.
I open a box which i have my black high heels. Natasa brings them to me in the morning because i tell her i don't have any. I wear them. They are so pretty!!!
What? I am listening music. Did the party start? I look the time. 22:00. What? When the time past? They must have start before a half hour.
I go outside of my room and i am walking on the hall.
I listen a sound of guitars... ooooo that sound i love it. It's a flamengo part. I enter the ballroom and see a lot of people. I don't know a lot of them. I look around. I see some members of Donquixote family but not the one who i am looking for... where is he?
Suddenly, by accident a woman colied on me. She is around my age, blond long hair, a nice body and wearing a long red dress. She turns and looks at me mad. "Watch your step?"
"Excuse me but you fell on me. I was only stand here and look around." I tell her calmy.
Play the video as long as you read.
"Of course. I don't think you can't move at all." She says jerkly and walks on the middle of the stage and looks at me arony. The people turn and watch her. She starts to dancing. She dances some steps and turns and people claps at her.
I walk on the stage. "That was pretty but you are just a begginer. Leave that to the proffesional." I smirk.
I take a pose and start with a double clap. I smile and catch the beat with my legs. I hold with my left hand the fabric of my dress and wave it on my steps. The people are clapping for me and i give them a double turn. In my life i have learn to dance with one way with passion! The dance is the way which i survived all these years in water seven and don't die from hunger. There is no way to lose from that selfish arrogant blondie.
I hit my heels on the floor and take a pose and stay on it.
I hear whistles and comments. I look the blondie and smirk.
She takes a pose too. "Not bad for a graceless dancer." She starts dancing.
"How did you call me? Now you will see!" I am dancing. Both of us on the rythym and come close to each other by hitting our heels on the stage. The crowd is impress both of us dance with passion.
She smirks and tells me as long as we are dancing. "I am one of the best dancers in Dressrosa. I'm not gonna lose."
She is trying to piss me off and she succed it. I give a hit with my leg so strong which my heel break.
I look down my shoe and after her. She laughs. "I win."
I smile and kick my shoes away from my legs. The crowd is focus on me. I say to the blondie. "Maybe you are one of the best in Dressrosa but i'm the best in water seven." I lift my leg and turn around with fast moves all the stage. The people around start to whistle and clapping with no stop when i start to shake my hips and make slow moves with my fingers.
As long as i move she looks around and she is piss off and angry.
"Do you have hear rumors about the hellfire? Because this is me." I wink and she stays with the mouth open and leaves the stage. I make my magic and they don't stop to clap. I turn and in my view i find two blue eyes which they are looking at me deeply. I blush but he gives me a very very very sweet smile and with that i give my best. I dance like i never had danced before. I give all of my self in that dance only for him.
The music stops and i take a pose with my right leg speard, one hand on my waist and the another up on my air. "Ole!" I say and i am taking deep breathes and the people are cheering for me but i am looking him and only him and give him my best smile and he returns.

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