Capítulo 1: La Primera Vez

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"La primera vez que nos vimos," You turned to look at Kevin, who was sitting next to you, watching you as you talked. "Tenía unos nervios." You laughed. "Pues es que nunca pensé que me iba a hacer caso Kevin."

Kevin laughed.


"La primera vez que vi a Kevin fue cuando fui a México con mi familia." You were sitting on a chair in front of a black backdrop. Your hands sat nicely on your lap and you faced forward at the camera.

"Yo soy de Los Estados Unidos, y mi familia y yo fuimos de vacaciones a México para ver a nuestra familia de aya." You explained further. "Mi tío nos consiguió tickets para ver un entrenamiento de La Selección Mexicana, y pues, ahí lo vi, y dije "Wow, este, este es para mi." Y pues mira," You laughed as you turned to look at Kevin who was sitting next to you.

"Recuerdo haberte visto en los asientos del estadio, y la verdad, me puse nervioso durante el entrenamiento." Kevin confessed.

"En serio? Nunca me habías dicho eso." You turned to look at him. You placed your hand on his thigh as you smiled at him. The way he averted his gaze made you slightly laugh.

"Me dío pena, como te iva a decir eso." He smiled, placing his hand on top of yours.

"Despues del entrenamiento, nos dejaron bajar a la cancha para poder hablar con ellos, y yo estaba nerviosisima, mis manos estaban temblando," You lifted your hands up, and tried to show how your hands were shaking that day. "Pues es que, te imaginas, qué iba hacer yo con tantos chicos guapos cerca de mi?!" You laughed, turning to look at Kevin.

"Honestamente, Diegito me ponía muy nerviosa también eh," You nudged his shoulder with yours, lifting your eyebrows at him in a playful manner.

Kevin turned to look at the camera with a straight look on his face.

"Yo recuerdo que hablé con Diego primero ese dia," You point your finger at the camera, shaking it as you pointed.

"Pues si, yo no me podía acercarme a ti, tenía muchos nervios. No sabia que decirte."

You laughed.

"Yo me acerqué a ti primero, ¡lo recuerdo!" You pointed your finger at him.

"Si, lo recuerdo. Me dijo "Hola soy y/n," y me quedé en shock" Kevin remembered his first conversation with you, even if it was years ago, he remembered it as if it happened yesterday.

"Le tomó tiempo para contestarme." You laughed again at the memory. "Me dijiste, "Kevin soy yo." Trate de no reírme, me causo ternura." You admitted.

"¿Te burlaste de mí?!" Kevin turned to look at you.

"¡No!" You looked at him. "Al Menos no en tu cara." You smiled at him, pulling him towards you to hug him. You felt Kevin laugh against your chest.

"Diego me invitó a salir ese día." You said as you tried covering Kevin's ears.

"Que?!" Kevin pulled away from your embrace, turning to look at you with shock all over his face. "¡Nunca me dijiste eso!"

"Ay, ya está en el pasado." You pulled him into your embrace again.

"Saliste con el?" He questioned.

You stayed silent.

"Si saliste con el?!" Again, he pulled away from your embrace.

"Fue solo una vez." You tried to defend yourself.

"No te lo creo. Le voy a hablar." Kevin pulled out his phone to facetime Diego.

"¿Qué pasa wey?" Diego answered the phone.

"Es cierto que cuando Y/n fue al entrenamiento por primera vez, la invitaste a salir?" Kevin waited for Diego to answer.

Diego just smiled awkwardly on the other side of the phone. No response, just his awkward smile. The silence answered Kevin's question.

"Si salieron entonces?!"

Once again, Diego just smiled awkwardly.

"Dios mío." Kevin took a deep breath, which made you snort.

"Y/n está ahí?" Diego asked.

"Hola Diegito!" You turned Kevin's phone toward you, waving your hand to say hi to Diego, but before Diego could say hi back, Kevin hung up.

"Grosero," You mumbled.

"No lo puedo creer." Kevin was still in shock.

"Después de que hable con todos, Diego me pidió mi numero de telefono, y me quede asi como que, pues, wow, y pues," You turned to look at Kevin, "Pues le di mi número de teléfono." You put your arms up in a shrugging motion.

"Porque es que me estoy enterando de todo esto hasta ahorita?" Kevin wasn't mad, he was just in shock with all of the new information he was becoming aware of. "Casi seis años juntos, y hasta ahorita me estoy enterando. No lo puedo creer." Kevin had a look of betrayal on his face.

"Pero obviamente, no salimos más después de la primera vez." You ignored his question, reaching out to grab the glass of water that was in front of you.

"Sí me invitó a los entrenamientos, pero eso fue todo, y después Kevin, por fin, me habló." You placed the glass of water back on the table in front of you.

"La seguía viendo en los entrenamientos, no sabía por qué, pero ahora ya lo sé." He looked at you with an accusing look on his face. "La veía mucho con Diego pero nunca pensé que habían salido, pero me acerqué a ella, y pues la invité a salir después del entrenamiento y me dijo que si."

"Jugadora era." You heard your sister yell from behind the scenes.

"Miente." You laughed and then you looked at the camera with a straight face.

"La primera vez que salimos, Kevin me llevó a un restaurante de tacos y me comí unos tacos al pastor, y dios mío, fue lo mejor." You made the chef's kiss gesture.

Kevin laughed beside you.

"¿Y yo qué?" He pretended to be offended.

"Los tacos fueron la mejor parte." You looked at him with seriousness on your face.

"Me lastimas el corazón Y/n, enserio." Kevin placed a hand over his chest and pretended to be hurt which made you laugh.

"Durante la comida me pidió mi numero de telefono." You placed your hand beside your mouth to cover what you were going to say next, "Le tomó una eternidad. En serio! Pensé que no le gustaba." You mouthed to the camera.

"Me ponías nervioso." He confessed, which made you smile. You were looking at him fondly. "Bueno, todavía me pones muy nervioso." He looked at you with the most innocent eyes.

"Te amo." You placed your hand on his thigh again, massaging his knee for a bit.

"Yo también te amo." He smiled as he leaned in for a peck.

You smiled during the kiss.

"Guacala. Que asco." You heard your sister say behind the camera.

"Bueno pues, y después de eso, seguimos saliendo." You said. "Fuimos novios por casi tres años antes de que me pidiera matrimonio." You turned to look at Kevin. He was already looking at you with a smile on his face.

-cues to a slideshow of pictures from when Kevin proposed-

"Me casé con el amor de mi vida." You reached for Kevin's hand, holding it in yours.

-the camera switches to a solo interview with Kevin-

"Y/n es una mujer maravillosa." He spoke. The fondness he has for you was evident in the way he talked about you.

"Ella ha sacrificado tanto por mi, ella es mi mundo." He smiled as he looked at the camera.

-end credits for this episode-

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