Capítulo 11: Malta

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Hello everyone! 

Along with this new chapter, I have also uploaded the first chapter of the new story! Let me know what you all think. Don't forget to comment and vote, it means a lot and it lets me know that you are enjoying the story! I always enjoy reading the comments you all leave! 

Enjoy the new chapter (and the new chapter of the new story)! 

Bye bye!



Your eyes looked around in wonder. You were absolutely mesmerized by everything that was around you.

The camera focused on you as you took everything in. The blue sky, the slight warm breeze that grazed your skin. You were in absolute awe.

The camera then turned to Kevin who admired you from afar. A slight smile was visible on his face.

"Estas babiando," Alexis said as he passed by Kevin with his luggage. "Mejor ayúdanos a bajar las maletas," Diego added to Alexis' comment as he also took down his luggage from the car they had rented.

You turned to face Kevin, the biggest smile still on your face. You walked over to place a peck on his lips before going to get your bag and the kid's bags as well. Kevin reached to grab his luggage and your luggage as well.

You and Paula walked into the house together, the kids running behind you. You set bags down. The camera followed you to the backyard.

"Esta bonita la casa," You said turning to look at the camera. The camera showed the backyard of the house.

The camera showed the pool in the spacious backyard. The view from the villa was also breathtaking.

But as beautiful as everything was, the trip made you exhausted, and right now the only thing you wanted to do was lie down and take a well-deserved nap.

"Y si tomamos una siesta," You proposed to everyone.

You laughed when everyone nodded their heads yes eagerly; even the kids.

As soon as everyone picked their rooms, everyone fell asleep. When you all woke up, it was light outside, around noon you assumed.

You got out of bed deciding to make food for everyone.

Kevin, when he felt that you were no longer beside him, also got up and joined you in the kitchen; helping you with whatever you needed.

The house was soon filled with noise as everyone began to wake up one by one. The kids being the last to join you all.

"Necesitaba esa siesta," Edson said, sighing as he sat on one of the bar stools.

"Todos la nesecitabamos," You say, laughing as you see Diego rubbing his eyes.

"Vamos a nadar?" Kevincito asked, approaching you.

"Si quieres si," You smile at him.

"Si," He says, nodding his head.

"Pero como acabas de comer te tienes que esperar un rato," You tell him, bending down to be able to look at him better.

"Esta bien," He said, walking back to the living room with the other kids.

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