Capítulo 4: Azul, Amarillo, Águila

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"Hoy voy a firmar mi nuevo contractor con América," Kevin said to the camera. He had a smile on his face. You were so proud of him. You were sitting next to him. You turned to look at him, giving his knee an encouraging squeeze to let him know that you were beyond happy for him.

Kevin turned to look at you, that big smile still on his face.


"Mi Kevin es el mejor lateral derecho del fútbol mexicano," You say to the camera as you smile proudly. You were sitting down doing your makeup as Kevin stood behind you, in front of the full-length mirror, fixing his suit. "Entonces no fue sorpresa de que tuviera tantas ofertas," You say making Kevin laugh nervously as he looked at you.

You were wearing a simple long black dress and some Versace heels. You looked absolutely beautiful. Your belly wasn't very big yet, but a small bump was noticeable.

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"Ya estoy lista," You said, getting up and walking toward Kevin who was still standing in front of the mirror

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"Ya estoy lista," You said, getting up and walking toward Kevin who was still standing in front of the mirror. You reached up to Kevin's chest, flattening out his shirt and fixing his tie. "Que guapo te ves," You said, looking up at Kevin. He leaned down to place a kiss on your lips.

"Y tu te vez hermosa," He said against your lips causing you to smile.

"Amo el romance, pero nos tenemos que ir," A representative for Kevin said as he stood outside the room, looking at you before turning his head to look at his watch.

"Okay, vamos vamos," You said, grabbing Kevin's hand as you both walked out of the room. The kids were standing in the living room in their nice outfits. They looked so adorable.

"Ay mira Kevin! Mira que bonitos se ven," You gushed as you looked at the kids. Rori had a pastel yellow dress on with her hair up in a ponytail while Kevincito had Khaki pants on with a pastel yellow dress shirt on.

"Bueno, ya nos tenemos que ir," Once again the representative rushed you all to get in the car. He looked stressed and you honestly couldn't blame him. You all had taken a bit longer than planned to get ready.

When you all arrived at the office, reporters were waiting outside, and as soon as you all stepped out of the car, flashes were everywhere. You and Kevin grabbed the kids, quickly making your way inside the building.

Kevin had gained an immense amount of popularity during the world cup and the number of reporters waiting to see if the news about the move to América were true didn't surprise you.

When you all stepped into the press conference room, there was a table on the mini-platform stage. There were two folders and two pens. Kevin's new uniforms were on mannequins next to the table. A fancy América backdrop was behind the table ready for when it was time for the pictures.

You and the kids went to sit down on the seats in the very front row. Kevin was talking to his representative outside of the room, going over the contract and such.

Kevincito and Rori sat next to you patiently, their curious eyes looking around the room. They weren't sure about what was going on, but they were happy to be there nonetheless.

This new signing also meant a new move. You all would be moving from Pachuca to the city. This came at a perfect time since practices for the National Team were also going on, Kevin wouldn't have to leave you and the kids for a while. Now, he would be able to come home after every practice.

You knew that the possibility of moving came with marrying a professional football player so you learned never to get attached to wherever it was you would be living. Of course, you had grown to love Pachuca, but now, it was time to move, and you were sure you would love Mexico City just as much.

Kevin stepped out wearing an América training sweatshirt. As soon as Kevin stepped out, flashes and the sound of clicks of cameras filled the room. The journalists looked eager to ask all of the questions they had.

Kevin looked for you and the kids and in seconds he saw you and he was quick to smile and send you a wink which you returned. You sat back, a hand over your belly as you watched Kevin sign his contract and smile at the camera. The representative of América shook Kevin's hand as they posed for another picture. You and the kids clapped.

The camera showed Kevin who had the brightest smile on his face.

Then it was time for you and the kids to go with Kevin to also take pictures. You went to stand next to Kevin while the kids stood in front of you two.

"Estoy orgullosa de ti," You said as you pulled Kevin into a hug. He placed his hands on both sides of your belly as you hugged him.

"Te amo," He said. "Los amo," He hugged you and the kids, making you smile.

Kevin then went to sit down to answer some questions and you and the kids went back to your previous seats waiting for the question panel to be over.

You listened attentively to every question he got asked and to every answer he gave. His habit of saying "si bueno," always made you smile.

When the questions were over, you and the kids accompanied him on a walk-through of the training facility. You were excited for Kevin. You looked at him and you saw how he looked at everything around him with such amazement. He looked like a little kid arriving at a new park.

He was starting a new chapter in his life, with new challenges and new excitement.

He will be back tomorrow to officially start training.

You and the kids would be staying at the hotel while the new house was getting its final touches. Then, the official moving process would begin.

Kevin had found out about the move a bit in advance and that gave the two of you a good amount of time to find the perfect house and get everything ready to move.

-interview with you and Kevin-

"Están emocionados?" The cameraman asked.

You waited for Kevin to answer. You knew how excited he was and you wanted to give him the time to talk about that excitement.

"Mucho, pero también estoy nervioso, es un cambio grande, pero también estoy emocionado porque sé que todavía tengo muchas cosas que aprender," He says. "Y tu amor?" He asks as he turns to look at you.

"También estoy emocionada y nerviosa. Emocionada porque estas cumpliendo tus sueños, y nerviosa por el cambio, pero se que todo va a estar bien," You smiled at him as you leaned over to hold onto his arm, placing your head on his shoulder.

"Nos tenemos a cada uno, así que podemos contra lo que sea," Kevin said as he gave your had a gentle and comforting squeeze.

"Somos un equipo," You said.

"El mejor equipo," Kevin said as he lifted your hand to give it a kiss which made you smile even more.

-end credits for this episode-

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