Capítulo 2: Sorpresa!

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"Me he estado sintiendo mal," You told the camera. "No se exactamente que sea todavía, pero tengo una idea de lo que puede ser," You held your hands up, shrugging your shoulders. "Pero no les puedo decir," You wiggle your eyebrows at the camera. "Al menos todavia no," You said, raising your eyebrows playfully.


"Ten te traje una sopita," Kevin walked into the bedroom, with a bowl of soup on a tray.

"Gracias," You say as you smile at him. You lift yourself up a bit so that you can sit up against the headboard. He tried leaning in for a kiss but you backed away causing him to raise his eyebrows at your reaction.

"No quiero que te enfermes," You told him making him chuckle as he shook his head.

"Todavia tienes nauseas?" Kevin asked you, worried as he sat on the bed, by your feet. He pulled them out from under the blankets, placing your feet on his lap. He began to massage them as you ate the soup he had brought you.

"No, ya se me pasó un poco," You said.

"Vamos al doctor?" He asked.

"Comi algo que me hizo daño, no te preocupes," You said as you shook your head no.

"Segura?" He asked looking at you with a concerned look on his face.

"Sip," You said trying to convince him.

"Esta bien, me tengo que ir al entrenamiento, vas a estar bien sola?"

"Si, mi mamá y Paula van a venir al rato" You told him as you smiled at him, reassuring him that you would be perfectly fine, while he was at training. As soon as your mom heard that you weren't feeling well, he didn't hesitate for a second to offer to come watch the kids while you rested.

"Vale, pero si te sientes mal, me llamas, y luego luego me vengo para acá," He said before placing a kiss on your forehead. You nodded your head, smiling at him.

"Okay," You smiled at him.

He pushed some of your hair behind your ear, before once again placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Ya vete, o si no se te va hacer tarde," You said, hurrying him so that he would leave the house.

"Okay, Okay. Adios," He said, waving goodbye as he walked out of the bedroom. You heard him say goodbye to the kids as well before hearing the front door close.

You waited a couple of minutes before calling Paula and putting her on speaker so the camera could hear.

"Bueno?" She said, as she answered the phone.

"Paula necesito que me hagas un favor," You said as you began to bite one of your nails.

"Que paso?" She asked.

"Me puedes comprar una prueba de embarazo? Te pago de regreso,"

"DIOS MIO!" She yelled, making you pull your phone away from you a bit. "Si, claro, llego a tu casa en unos 30 minutos, esta bien?" She said after calming down.

"Muchas gracias. No le vayas a decir a nadie," You told her.

"Claro que no, tu secreto está a salvo conmigo," You could practically hear the smile she had.

"Gracias," You thanked her one last time before saying bye and hanging up. You waited patiently, waiting to hear the doorbell.

"You think it'll be positive?" The cameraman asked.

"I think so," You said with a smile. "I hope so," You add, letting out a soft chuckle.

You finally heard the doorbell ring and you looked at the camera with wide eyes before rushing to open the door.

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