Capítulo 3: Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti!

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"Hoy es cumpleaños de Kevin," You said. "Y le tengo una sorpresa," You smiled at the camera. "Pero ustedes ya saben que es," You said wiggling your eyebrows at the camera.


The house had begun to fill up with people and you were running around making sure that everything looked good and that everyone was enjoying their time.

But, you were soon stopped by Alexis. "No te vas a tomar una cerveza?" Alexis asked as he looked at your empty hands. Kevin was with Alexis before you joined them. Kevin's arm instantly wrapped around your waist when you stood beside him.

You shook your head no. You obviously couldn't drink, but right now wasn't the time for the surprise, so you quickly thought of an excuse. "No quiero tomar ahortia." You said to Alexis, knowing that he wouldn't push it any further.

"Bueno pues, mas pa mi," He shrugged his shoulders before taking a large sip from the beer he had in his hand.

Your plan is that after Kevin cut the cake you'll hand him the box that had the pregnancy test in it. You were so excited but you were also a bit nervous, if you were being honest. Not necessarily for the way he would react but you just wanted the surprise to go the way you had planned it.

You and Kevin had both talked about having another baby and it was finally happening.

Time seemed to go by so slowly as you impatiently waited for the right time to come. The right time being, right after Kevin cuts the cake.

"Te ves nerviosa, qué tienes?" Diego stood next to you, with a worried expression on his face.

"Nada," You said, turning to look at him awkwardly, trying your best to hide how anxious you were.

He looked at you for a moment not really believing you. He turned to look at the camera with an eyebrow raised, before turning to look at you once again.

"Mentirosa," He coughed before walking away from you.

You rolled your eyes at him.

"Estoy nerviosa," You whispered to the camera. You had placed the test in a box where all of his other gifts were. After he cuts his cake, you'll hand the little box over to him.

You went to go sit down next to Kevin who had already served you and the kids food.

"Ten," He said as he placed the plate in front of you. Kevin had Kevincito on his lap giving him food while he also began to eat. When you sat down, you copied Kevin, placing Rori on your lap as well, making it easier for you to eat while you also helped Rori eat.

You were thankful that time seemed to go by faster right now. Maybe it was the fact that the carne asada was absolutely delicious, or maybe it was the conversation you were having with Alexis and Diego.

You were currently laughing so hard that you couldn't breathe.

"No mames!" Diego yelled as he looked at Alexis, who had just spit out his rice all over Diego due to him also laughing hysterically. "Que asco!" He glared at Alexis who was sitting in front of him.

This made you laugh even more. Rori and Kevincito were also laughing hysterically as they watched Diego continue to yell at Alexis.

Before you knew it, it was finally time. Your hands were a bit sweaty and you were even more nervous than before, but you tried to hide it as best as you possibly could. You and the kids stood next to Kevin as he got ready to cut the cake.

"Que le muerda, que le muerda!" Everyone began to chant making Kevin laugh nervously. He watched as Alexis and Luis began to move behind him.

"No me vayan a empujar cabrones," He warned them, making Alexis and Luis raise their hands in fake surrender. They grinned as Kevin turned back around, facing the cake once again.

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