Capítulo 10: Lo Que Sabía, Lo Que Sé, y Lo Que Sabré

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"Yo sabía en lo que me estaba metiendo," You said. "El momento en que le dije que si iba a ser su novia, yo sabía que mi vida iba a cambiar." You moved your hand around as you spoke.

"Y cuando le dije que si iba a ser su esposa, pues mi vida cambió ahí también." You say.


The camera shows you walking down a street in Madrid, Spain.

"Nunca pensé que los paparazzis me iban a seguir algún día. Nunca cruzó mi mente eso." You say. "Nunca pensé que iba a recibir tanta atención." You laugh.

-interview with you-

"Con tanta atención de la prensa, pues también viene el odio y las críticas, y todo eso, ya saben," You rolled your eyes.

"Te has acostumbrado a todo el odio en las redes sociales?" The cameraman asked you from behind the camera.

"Al principio, la verdad si era difícil, hubo un tiempo que ni me podía meter a las redes sociales porque las fans de Kevin decían muchas cosas," You say. "Pero ahora he aprendido a ignorar, porque qué más se puede hacer?" You ask as you shrug your shoulders.

"Y con la prensa, he aprendido a ignorar también," You sigh.

"Pero eso si, que ni se les ocurra decir nada de mis hijos," You glared at the camera.

The camera then shows you walking into Estadio Hidalgo. You and the kids went to go see Kevin practice with Pachuca. As you walked into the field, you saw Luis and his girlfriend talking to Kevin, so you and the kids approached the trio.

The kids immediately ran to greet their dad. You saw as Kevin bent down and Rori jumped into Kevin's arms. Kevincito ran to hug him as well. You walked closer to them, smiling.

"Hola," You waved, greeting them, before walking over to give Kevin a quick peck on the lips.

After speaking for a bit, you, the kids, and Luis' girlfriend went to go sit down so you could watch them practice.

You were in awe as you attentively watched Kevin practice.

"Estan babiando," The cameraman said, he had been filming the two of you for a while now, neither of you saying anything as you each watched the guys practice.

You sat up, fixing your posture, before awkwardly smiling at the camera.

"No es mi culpa que mi esposo esté tan guapo," You shrug your shoulders.

Luis' girlfriend just laughed at also getting caught staring at her partner.

When practice was finally over, you were allowed back on the field. Kevin stayed a bit longer as he played with the kids. Kevin wore his GPS vest over his practice jersey and his hair was all sweaty. You were absolutely mesmerized.

Kevin felt you staring at him. He looked up and smirked at you before going back to kicking the ball around with Rori and Kevincito.

You got shy at the fact that Kevin had caught you staring at him. You quickly turned to look away, and you quickly started a conversation with Luis' girlfriend.

It felt as if you were back to the first time you came to watch him practice after he had officially asked you to be his girlfriend.

You felt so scared and shy back then. Especially coming into the stadium knowing that there would be other girlfriends and wives of Kevin's team members. You felt like the new girl, as cliche as that sounded. But they were all very welcoming.

Now, before every game, you and the girls hang out and have your own pre-game celebrations as the guys get ready for their games. It's a way to calm down the nerves you all feel as you hope for victories. The kids also get along with the other kids.

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