Capítulo 5: Cambio

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"La nueva casa ya está lista!" You said to the camera excitedly.


"Por fin ya nos podemos mover a la nueva casa," You said to the camera. "Ya tienen todos los muebles y ahora solo falta decorar, pero eso va poco a poco." You say.

"Esta casa está más grande que la otra," Kevin explains, which you nodded your head to. "Con el bebé y todo, decidimos que era tiempo de tener mas espacio también," He added.

"Habíamos venido a ver algunas casas, pero en cuanto vimos a esta, nos encanto," You leaned against Kevin's arm, turning to smile at him.

-camera switches to show you walking with the kids, each holding one of your hands, Kevin is seen walking beside you all-

"Miren que linda esta la casa," You said excitedly. You walk around with the kids, showing them each room and then lastly, you all walk out onto the backyard. "Y miren que grande esta la yarda," You turn to look at them, knowing that they love playing outside, so when you and Kevin were looking for a house, you made sure that the house you picked had a huge backyard for the kids and the dog.

"Podemos jugar futbol aqui atrás, pueden correr con la perrita, pueden hacer aquí lo que quieran mis niños," You say to them.

-solo interview with you-

"As I was growing up, my family couldn't afford to buy a house. So, we would always rent, so where we would live never really felt like it was truly ours. We were always hesitant to hang stuff up on the wall, paint our room, all that stuff," You say to the camera. "So being able to buy a house for my kids and making sure that they know that this house is theirs, is really important to me," You smile to the camera.

"My parents always made sure to have a roof over my head, and for that, I will always be grateful. I am able to put a roof over my children because of them, because of my hard work, and because of Kevin and his hard work," You add. "I bought my parents their own house and now they never ever have to worry about having to pay for anything," You were trying really hard not to cry. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, their sacrifices, and their hard work. Okay, I'm going to stop talking or else I will start sobbing," You laughed as you looked up to try and make the tears that were forming go away.

"Y/n, ya nos tenemos que ir a dejar a Kevincito a su práctica de fut," Kevin said as he opened the door slightly making you turn in his direction.

"Okay, ya voy," You said.

"Estabas llorando?" He asks as he walks into the room.

"Les estaba contando de mis papas," You mumble as you watch him get closer to where you were sitting.

"Ay amor," He says, smiling before he reaches down to hug you.

"Anyways, ya vamonos," You laugh as you push him away slightly so you can get up.

-the camera shows you, Kevin, and the kids in the car.-

"Me encanta ver a Kevin manejar," You whisper as you lean towards the camera. Kevin laughs in the background. "A mi no me gusta manejar, yo soy mas una passenger princess," You say as you lean back against the seat turning to look at Kevin who was driving and about to turn.

"Con la mudanza y todo, Kevincito tuvo que cambiar de equipos y todo la cosa, pero se está acostumbrando," You explain to the camera. "Verdad amor?" You ask, turning your head to look at Kevincito, sitting in the back seat in his football practice clothes. Kevincito nodded his head with a smile on his face.

"Kevin ya a empezado a practicar con el equipo, y pronto será su primer juego," You inform the camera, treating the trip to Kevincito's training facility as an opportunity to have a 'podcast' session, keeping the viewers up to date. A vlog, basically.

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