Capítulo 4: Mi Vida Antes

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"Hoy vamos a ir adonde creci." You smiled as you walked towards the private jet.

"Toma fotos Kev." You handed Kevin your phone as you began to pose in front of the private jet. Kevin took your phone and began to take pictures from every angle. He even got on the floor. "Yo le enseñe eso." You pointed at Kevin proudly as he made sure to get the best pictures for you to post later.


"Yo soy la primera abogada en mi familia, también soy la primera en ir a la universidad y de graduarme de la high school." You spoke as pictures of you from your three graduations showed up on the screen.

-camera switches to an interview with your mom and dad-

"Estamos muy orgullosos de Y/n." Your mom spoke.

"Cuando nos dijo que iba a dejar de ser abogada y que se iba a ir con Kevin a México, pues la verdad, nos sorprendimos, y también nos enojamos, para que les vamos a mentir." Your dad spoke. He was sitting back on the chair.

-camara switches back to a solo interview with you-

"Ser primera generación es un orgullo, y si se sufre mucho. Le tienes que luchar." You spoke.

"Yo le luché para entrar a una universidad tan prestigiosa. Llore, grite, me quedaba despierta hasta las dos, tres, de la mañana estudiando y haciendo tarea. Pero nunca me di por vencida." You sat with your legs crossed. Your hands sat on your lap.

"Cómo reaccionaron tus padres cuando les dijiste que ya no ibas a seguir siendo abogada?" The cameraman asks you.

The question made you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You stayed silent for a bit.

"Se enojaron," You said, pausing before finishing your sentence. "Mucho."

-slideshow of pictures of you and your parents show up on the screen-

"Sus reacciones no me sorprendieron. Y obviamente los entendió. Ellos se sacrificaron mucho para poder darme una educación. Yo le luche con los estudios, y ellos le lucharon para poder pagar la universidad y la escuela de leyes."

"Te arrepientes de tu decisión?" The cameraman asked.

"No," You said, you didn't hesitate as you answered. "Kevin nunca nunca, me pidió que dejara de ser abogada. Pero hizo sentido, si me movía a México con él, no iba a poder ser abogada aya," You explained.

"Si algun dia, Kevin se hace parte de un Club en Los Estados Unidos, alomejor le sigo de abogada, aunque si han pasado algunos años, pero sería cosa de ver." You shrugged your shoulders.

{*Hometown*, United States}

"Hemos llegado." You smiled as you got out of the private jet. "Kevin!" You yelled, trying to get Kevin's attention so he could come to you.

"Ay porque gritas, aquí estoy." Kevin looked at you. He had been standing right behind you the whole time.

"Oops, no te vi." You smiled. "Tomame fotos!" You gave him your phone.

He grabbed it with no complaints. He walked down the stairs of the private jet, once again going to great lengths to get your best angles.

"Listo." He said, running up the stairs again to give you your phone and to help with the luggage.

"Gracias, amor." You gave him a kiss before attempting to grab your bags before Kevin stopped you and told you that he's got it.

"Tan caballeroso." You smirked at him, once again giving him a kiss.

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