Capítulo 9: Tíos, míos

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hello everyone!

thank you once again, for all the votes and comments! the comments have truly made me laugh and smile, so thank you! please, continue to vote and comment, it lets me know that you all are enjoying the story! also, if you all could go to the conversations tab on my profile and vote/comment on the most recent conversation post, it would mean a lot! hint: new story coming soon, so choose wisely! anyways, enjoy!


"Cuando se juntan los muchachos," You spoke with a straight face. "Esta casa se vuelve un zoológico." You said. "Es una locura!" You shook your head laughing.

"Ay, no mames!" Kevincito yelled from behind the camera, interrupting your interview. He pointed at the broken toy that was on the floor.

"Kevincito! Que dijiste?!" Your eyes widened before you laughed at what he had just said. You knew that you probably shouldn't be laughing, but you just couldn't help it. His facial expression made it even funnier.

"Se rompio!" Kevinctio bent down to pick up the broken toy to show it to you.

"Quién te enseñó a decir eso?" You looked at him. Your eyebrows raised, still in disbelief. 

"Tio Alexis!" He said, huffing in disappointment as he handed you his broken toy.

"Vas a ver Alexis." You mumbled, turning to glare at the camera as you reached for Kevincito's broken toy.


"Y/n!" You heard your name being yelled from the foyer. You knew exactly who it was, but you didn't respond. "Y/n!" You heard the same voice yell again, still, no response came from you. You saw as Kevin walked down the stairs and towards the yelling Alexis.

"NO MAMES Y/N, PORQUE NO ME CONTESTAS?!" Alexis walked into the living room, an offended look on his face.

"No mames!" Kevincito repeated before he laughed.

Alexis turned to look at Kevincito, his eyes wide in surprise. He turned to look at you and then at Kevin, shocked.

"Por qué me miras así, lo aprendió de ti," You say, glaring at him.

Kevin just stood aside, watching as you and Alexis yelled back and forth. He laughed, finding it entertaining.  

"De mi?" Alexis looks at you gasping as he clutches his chest, offended.

"Si! De ti!" You say standing up from the couch.

"No es cierto!" Alexis said, trying his best to defend himself. He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Preguntale!" You say, challenging him as you also crossed your arms in front of your chest.

"Kevincito, de donde aprendiste eso?" Alexis turned to look at Kevincito, who was sitting on the couch watching you and Alexis fight, amused at the two adults acting like children.

Kevinctio didn't say anything, he just quickly pointed at Alexis.

You smirked at Alexis after Kevinctio proved that what you had said was right. Kevincito had learned to say that from hearing Alexis say it so often.

Alexis just laughed awkwardly. You just shook your head amused. You weren't mad, if you were being honest you found it amusing, but you would never say it out loud, because it might encourage Kevincito to continue to say it, and that is something you didn't want.

The camera zooms in on Alexis.

"Oops?" Alexis said, looking at the camera. He shrugged.

"Te pasas Alexis," You laughed.

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